Deleted scenes

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Hey guys

I just wanted to tell you guys some things I was going to write but I didn't


I was going to have Ski date Luke but I decided not to because lennedy is too cute


I was going to have Michael end up with Kennedy but no


Kennedy was actually suppose to be named Rose but I liked Kennedy better


Luke was supposed to not end up with Kennedy but I decided to let them be together because I am a sucker for happy endings

# 5
Josh from twenty one pilots was suppose to hit on Kennedy but I decided to just make them friends.

I hope you guys enjoyed this fan fiction. I have had such a great time writing it. Thank you for all of the votes and reads.

I will be writing another fan-fiction called Polaroid. It is going to be a Calum one so if you want to read please do.

Okay guys see you in the epilogue

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