Chapter 22

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Luke POV ||

I tried my best to not act weird in front of the Kennedy the next few weeks but I couldn't help it.

Harry and her were always hanging out.

And man was I jealous. They had this connection and I hated it.

" So how did you meet Luke?" Harry asked Kennedy

That snapped me out of my thoughts real fucking quick.

Kennedy smiled.

" We met when the band came over to practice one day. " she said

Harry nodded.

They continued talking about the past.

" Luke are you ok?" Kennedy asked

" Huh? I mean um yeah." I said

Kennedy just nodded.

I got up from the room and went outside with the guys.

" You alright there ?" Calum asked

" No. " I sighed

" What happened?" He questioned

" Harry fucking Styles. That's what happened." I said

Calum laughed.

I stayed annoyed.

" Sorry man. I just think it's funny. " Calum chuckled

" What ever I am going to back inside." I shook me head

I got back inside and sat next to Kennedy. I put my arm around her and made sure Harry saw us kiss.

He coughed .

" Oh Kennedy remember that time we got locked out of your house." Harry laughed

" Haha, so funny." I rolled my eyes

Kennedy and Harry both looked at me.

"Uh I mean that it's a funny story. Tell me more." I covered up

" Well Kennedy and I went to a party and Calum was God knows where. When we got back no one was there and Kennedy didn't have her keys. We were stuck outside for hours." Harry chuckled

I nodded and laughed along when really I didn't think that story was funny.

" You guys want to go to a party tonight?" Harry asked

Kennedy looked at me.

" You want to go?" Kennedy asked

" No I think I'll just hang out with the boys." I said

Kennedy frowned but nodded.

" I need to go pick out my outfit." Kennedy squealed as she raced to the other room

Harry smiled but once he saw me he frowned

" I don't like you Hemmings." He said

" That's great because I don't give a fuck." I said

" Well you will when I get Kennedy back. " He smirked

" She will never go back to you." I told him

" Kennedy always gets horny when she's drunk. I am pretty sure at this party there will be drinks. And since its me and her.-"

" That's won't happened !" I cut him off

I got up and when to the room Kennedy was in.

" I changed my mind. I am going to the party." I said

My Brother's Best friend// 5sos fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now