Chapter 26

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I sat there typing the last page of my essay. I've been getting a lot of home work lately.

I haven't been able to hangout with Michael or anyone these past weeks.

I sighed as I stopped typing. I have been typing since I got back from my last class of the day.

Someone walked in.

I turned to see Michael.

" Still typing?" He asked

" Yep." I said popping the p

He sat on my edge of my bed.

I typed the last sentence and saved the essay.

" finally." I breathed out

He looked up and smiled

" Your birthday is coming up tomorrow." He said

" Yeah and?" I questioned

" I wanna take you out to dinner." He said

I smiled. Michael kissed me before but we never talked about it. We just acted like we used to before.

" Are you asking me to go on a date with you?" I asked

" Yes, yes I am." He nodded

" Then yes. I will go on a dinner date with you." I ruffled his hair

He grinned widely.

" Good. I'll see you tomorrow at 8:00. Dress nice" He instructed as he placed a kiss on my cheek

I nodded as he left.

I couldn't stop smiling.  I got up and walked into the kitchen. Calum wasn't home and neither was Ski.

Ski was probably with Calum. I mean their always together.

I opened the cabinets and grabbed a box of macaroni.

" Hey." Someone said

I quickly turned around dropping the box of my noodles. There goes my lunch.

It was Luke.

" I'm sorry , I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized 

" It's ok." I assured

We stood there in silence for a good minute.

I grabbed the broom and began to sweep the mess.

" Where is everyone?" Luke asked

" I don't know. I haven't been talking to my brother or ski." I answered

He nodded.

" You talk to Michael though." He said

" Yeah " I slowly said

Why is he bringing up Michael? Does he know we kissed?

" You guys seem close." Luke said

" Well I've know him since grade school." I told him

" I know you kissed him." Luke looked at me

I threw out the noodles.

I looked back at Luke and sighed

" He kissed me." I corrected

Luke shook his head.

" Why do you even care? I was just a drunk mistake to you." I questioned

" Don't say that. You know that isn't true." Luke raise his voice a little

" I don't even know what to believe from you Luke." I sighed

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