Chapter 12

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So I wrote this chapter 2 times
It got deleted...
Anyways my chapters have been CRAP.. But it will get better. I HOPE
The week has been so crappy. The friendship between Ski and I has not been the same. And Luke hasn't talked to me since our fight. It was Saturday and all I wanted to do was sleep but that wasn't gonna happen.
So I got out of my bed and forced my self to get ready.
Once I was out of my pjs, I walked over to the kitchen. Calum was making a sandwich.
"Morning." He continued making his food.
I just nodded and grabbed an apple from the counter.
"You still depressed?" Calum asked.
"I am not not depressed." I said.
"Ya ok" Calum said.
He sat down and took a bite of his sandwich..
It was quite for a while. Until I left to go to my room.
I unlocked my phone and dialed Ski.
No answer.
I decided to just go to her house instead to hang out.
So I grabbed my side bag and left the house.
Once I arrived at Ski's house I knocked on the door. Her mom opened it.
"Hey Kennedy! Ski is upstairs." She greeted.
"Thx." I said.
"Oh but she has another friend over but I am sure she won't mind having you over to." she said.
I just smiled and walked upstairs.
As I was about to open the door, I heard moaning coming from the room.
I quickly opened the door seeing Ski having Sex with LUKE!
Their faces shot up.
"Kennedy." Ski said
I just shook my head.
"You little bitch." I told her.
"Kennedy don't get mad." Luke said.
His clothes were on the floor and he was under the covers of Ski's bed.
"Rot in hell Luke." I said as I left the room.
Ski's mom asked "What happened?"
"Your daughter is having sex upstairs." I said as I left the house.
Tears went rolling down my face. I was so pist at Luke and Ski.
I wiped my tears and made my way to my house. I came in and Calum was on the couch.
"What happened?" He asked
"Nothing." I mumbled
I went to room. I slapped the door then started crying.
I ended up falling asleep on my bed while crying.
I cleaned my face then opened my door. Luke was here.
"Kennedy.." I cut him off with a slap.
" I am sorry. Kennedy. Please. I didn't mean to hurt you. I wasn't thinking." Luke pleaded.
Calum's face turned to a frown.
"What did you do Luke?" He asked.
"He slept with Ski." I answered.
Then I grabbed my side bag and left the house. I needed fresh air.
Luke followed me out the door. Calum followed Luke not looking happy.
"Kennedy! Please!" He yelled.
I kept on walking. I didn't know where I was going but I kept walking.
I should of looked.
Bc as I crossed the street a jeep came a hit me.
And that's all I remember.

My Brother's Best friend// 5sos fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now