Chapter 27

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Kennedy POV

" Luke!" I yelled

I was in the middle of doing math. And it was complicated.

" What?" He asked

" I need your help with math." I said

He took a look at my paper

" This stuff is easy. We learned this like 3 years ago." Luke told me

" Well obviously I don't remember." I pointed to all the questions I didn't answer

Luke started to explain how to solve the problem but I wasn't listening.

He looked cute when he was serious, his lip ring moving a bit as he talked.

It's been weeks since we talked about us. Some days we would act like we were dating and others we would act like we never had feelings for each other. It was kinda weird.

" Kennedy. Are you even listening?" Luke snapped me out of my thinking

" Huh. Oh sorry, I was um thinking." I said

" About what?" Luke questioned

" Nothing. Just these math questions." I lied

" Since when do you think about math? You hate it." Luke laughed a bit

" Since I started college." I covered

" Yeah ok. I know you better than you know yourself. You hate math." Luke said

" Oh really? What's my favorite coffee drink?"I challenged

" You buy hazelnut but really you like vanilla better but Ski doesn't like vanilla." He said

" What color do I want to dye my hair?" I asked

" You don't. Trick question" Luke narrowed his eyes

Before I could ask any more Luke got up.

"I would love to sit here and talk about you but you need to finish your work." He said

I sighed as I picked up my pencil and started working.


" Finally." I said as I finished my last problem

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to Luke.

"Hey." I said

" Are you done with your work?" He asked

" yes." I answered

"Good. Now we can cuddle." He grinned

Luke pulled me to him and I laid my head on his chest.

" Do you ever wish you could go back to your high school days ?" I asked

" Sometimes. " He simply said

I looked up at him as he bit his lip.

" What?" He asked

" Nothing." I said

" Do you ever wish you could go back to your high school days ?" Luke asked back

" no. I love it here in New York." I answered

Luke smiled at me.

" Yeah New York is great. But you know what I love more than New York?" Luke asked

" What?" I looked up at him

" You." He put his lips on mine

I immediately kissed back. I put my hands on his neck and ran my hands through his hair.

He pulled off but stayed close.

" Kennedy." He breathed out

" Luke." I said

" Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked

I smiled " Yes."

A huge grin appeared on his face.

He pulled me to him again.

" I love you." He said

" I love you more." I repeated

I laid there next to Luke. I felt happy. I was finally with the guy I loved and living in the city I loved.

_____ 1 month later

" This view is amazing." Luke said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

" I know right." I said

You could see all the lights and buildings from where we were.

It's been a month since Luke and I started dating.

They were going on tour soon but that wasn't going to stop us.

I loved Luke. He made me happy.

" Happy one month anniversary love." Luke said

" Happy one month." I smiled

" I love you." Luke kissed on the cheek

" I love you " I repeated

We were on a rooftop of a building. Lights hung all around and you could see the all the tall building and city lights.

Luke pulled me to him and placed a kiss on my lips.

I put my arms around him.

" I am going to miss this." Luke said

I sighed.

" Hey let's not think about it. Let's just enjoy these last few days together." I said

Luke held me closer.

Moments like these made me happy.

He made me happy.

Luke is my happy ending.

•••• The End ••••

So I would like to thank all my friends for supporting on writing this book.

I have had such a great experience writing this.

Thank you  to everyone who has read this fan fic.

I will be writing a epilogue so don't worry.

Sorry for this being so short but the next update will be long.

That's about it guys. And I might write a spin off on Ski's and Calum's story.

Bye guys.


My Brother's Best friend// 5sos fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now