Chapter 15

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We all went into the restaurant.

"How many?" The lady asked

"Four." Ashton answered

"Okay. Follow me please." She said as we followed her lead

"Here you go." She smiled.

I sat next to Luke and Ashton sat next to Isabel.

"So how do you guys know each other ?" Ashton asked

"We went to grade school together and part of high school too." I said as Isabel nodded

"We were best friends until I moved to America." Isabel frowned

"Aye we are still best friends." I smiled

Our waitress came by. She looked really young.

"Hi. My name is Rosslyn and what would you like to drink?" She asked

"I would like a coke." Luke said

"What do you want to drink babe?" He whispers

"I will just have water." I said

"And you guys?" Rosslyn asked

"Oh we will have cokes too." Ashton said

"Okay! I will be back to get your orders." Rosslyn said

" I am cold." I shivered a little

"Ah. I don't have a jacket. Sorry babe." Luke frowned

"It's okay. But a hug will be fine." I chuckled

He smiled and put his arm around me and held me close.

" So how is the band going?" I asked Ashton and Luke

"Good." They answered

"I still can't get that song 'she looks so perfect' out of my head." I laughed

" Yeah. We actually have a meeting with our manager about something big tomorrow." Ashton told us

......1 hour later.....

"I had a good time." I said

"Yeah we should do this again." Luke said

I gave Isabel a hug and then Luke and I left for the concert.

"I am so freakin excited!" Squealed

Luke smiled and headed towards a car.

"You have a car?" I asked

"Its Michael's" He answered

We both got inside the car. Then Luke started the car and drove to the concert.

"Can you play one of your covers?" I asked

"Yeah." He said as he put on their cover 'Teenage Dirtbag'

"Luke, you are honestly one of the most talented people I have ever met." I admitted

"Really?" He asked shocked

I nodded

His face turned a light shade of pink.

"Can you sing Kennedy?" He asked

"Kind of" I shrugged

"Sing for me!" He commanded

"Please!" He begged

"Nope." I shook my head

Luke pulled over and looked at me.

"If you don't sing I will keep the car pulled over until the concert is done. So sing." He said

My Brother's Best friend// 5sos fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora