Chapter 10

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I wake up and Luke is still sleeping.
I just smiled and got out of bed to open the window for some breeze.
Then I pulled my hair in a messy bun and walked over to my brother's room.
"Calum are you ok?" I asked in a soft
"No." He said in a sleepy voice.
I laughed and left his room and went back to my room.
Luke was starting to get up now.
"Hey" I said
"Hi" Luke replied in a sleepy voice.
I smiled and walked over to check my phone.
I had 48 missed calls from Ski.
Opps I forgot to wait for her after school.
I called her back.
"Hello,Stranger!" She said, sounding angry.
"I am sorry. Calum had to leave quickly so her took me with him." I explained
"Yeah but I tried calling you all night." She said.
"I was at a party with Luke and Calum." I told her.
"You always hang out with them. I am your bestfriend, but it seems like you are making new ones!" She snapped.
"Ski can't I be friends with them too?" I asked.
"I don't know Kennedy. I feel like your drifting away." She said sadly.
"Ok how bout you and me hang out." I said.
She said yes and we ended the call.
"Who was that?" Luke asked.
"Ski." I answered.
I had to meet Ski at the park in 1 hour. It was 11:00. So I had to get ready fast.
"Um.. Ski and I are going to hang out. You can stay here if you want." I said, as I grabbed some clothes.
"Um nah I think I will leave." Luke got out of my bed and put on his shoes.
"Bye and Thanks for letting me stay over." He said as he gave me a hug.
Then he left.
Once I was ready I put my phone in my pocket and left to say goodbye to calum. Then I locked the front door.

When I got to the park Ski was already there.
"Hi." I said
"Hey" she replied back.
"Where's Luke? Ski asked.
"Um he left this morning. Why you ask?" I questioned.
"So you guys are dating." She said, sounding annoyed.
"What's your problem?" I asked
"You. You never have time for me because of those stupid 3 boys" She snapped back.
"They are not stupid." I replied back, getting a little mad.
"They are so, the only one who is not dumb is Calum. He also has good taste in girls." She said.
I laughed.
"Calum doesn't like you Ski. He told me." I said.
Normally I wouldn't act so rude but Ski was offending my friends.
"Oh. He is probably dating a slut. Because he is a player." She said.
"That is it! My brother and our friends are not stupid nor players.
You haven't even got to know them yet. And what if I like spending time with them. They don't act like bitches when I try to make time for them!" I yelled as I walked away.

Ski used to be so nice and sweet. But now she is acting so different.
Now that I was mad I needed to talk to someone about this. Ashton is a good listener.
So I walked to his house.
Once I got there, I knocked on his door.
"Who is it!" He yelled as he opened the door.
He smiled when he saw me.
"Kenny!" He said as he gave me a hug.
"Come on in!" He said.
His house was a mess. Beer cans and food all over the place.
"So what brings you here?" He asked
"Umm." I wanted to talk to Ashton about the ski thing but I wanted to help him clean up.
"You need help cleaning up?" I asked
He nodded and we started cleaning the house.
"All clean" I said
It took us two hours to clean up the mess and now I just wanted to go home.
"I am going to head back home." I said.
"Ok. Thanks for the help Kenny." He said
Kenny is his nickname for me.
I just laughed and walked out of his house.
Today was a hectic day. Honestly, I just wanted to be friends with Ski again. She is like one of the only girls I get along with. Ski also knew everything about me.
The thing that worries me the most is that she has a lot of embarrassing pictures of me. I hope she Doesn't post any.

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