Happy New Year❤️!!

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Happy New Years everyone. We made it. Just wanted to say thank you to my readers for obviously reading my book. This book has over 200 reads and I know that's not a lot but to me that is some sort of accomplishment because the book hasn't been out for a month yet so thank your for supporting. I know 2020 was one of the saddest years we've probably had with corona and the lost great people and the biggest thing that constantly lingers my mind is social injustice. We will bring them into this year knowing that we fought and cried for them and their families and they won't be forgotten. We flip a new chapter of our lives today and I hope everyone does what they believe in no matter what obstacles may come before them. Let 2020 be a lesson learned and this year be the time to change for the better whether that's changing yourself, the people around you or the world. One of my New Years resolution this year is looking for a job. I'm trying to get a bag this year. I hope this year is kind to everyone and hopefully we get to enjoy it.

Don't forget to wear your mask, stay 6 feet apart and kiss your loved ones. More chapters coming soon!❤️

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