Chapter 22

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"Monica!" Melo asked. I looked at Josh and started crawling out from under my bed

"Hey, what were you doing under your bed?"

"Oh I was just looking for something" I lied

"You okay? You look like you've been crying" he said coming closer to me

"Yea I'm okay, just tired is all" I said lying again

"Cmon let's take a nap then" he said laying in my bed

"Umm Melo- YO BRO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HER BED!!" Josh yelled from under the bed

"Wait what is here doing here?" Melo asked slightly pissed. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"I texted him to come over, I just needed to talk to him. Why did you come over here? I asked

"I wanted to just chill with you" he said. I could tell he was nervous about something

"Nah man, you don't chill with someone in their bed without you having some type of feelings for them. Do you like her or something?" Josh asked angrily

"Man that ain't none of your business. Can I talk to her alone for sec?" Melo asked rolling his eyes

"Nah give me a straight answer Lamelo" Josh said getting more agitated. I stood in front of him just in case he decided to fight him.

"Fine you want an answer?! I FUCKING LIKE HER!" He yelled and that's when all hell broke loose.

Josh pushed me out the way and threw the first punch which landed on Melo's right cheek. I watched in shock as Josh continuously punched Melo everywhere on his body.

"Josh please stop!" I yelled

"You're a fucking liar! I trusted you when you said you didn't like her! I fucking hate you bro!" Josh said tiredly. Lamelo took his chance to push Josh off of him and start landing punches.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" My mom said as the boys still fought. My mom grabbed Melo and tried to get him off of Josh. I got up and joined in but I immediately regretted it when I felt a punch hit my mouth. I fell back down and held my bloody mouth

"Oh my gosh, STOP! Monica are you okay?" My mom said rushing over to me. The boys stopped fighting and looked at me.

"Whoever hit her better get out of my house now before I start whooping ass" my mom said. The boys looked at each other with anger in their eyes but Melo got up and left my room. Josh came over to me and tried to touch me but I moved away from him.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at my lip and immediately got flashbacks of what happen back in London. I silently sobbed at the thought of that night and what occurred just a few minutes ago.

"Monica, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fight him" he said sitting on the toilet. I walked out and went into the linen closet and grabbed the first aid kit. I walked back to the bathroom and took out some bandaids and alcohol pads.

I wiped my tears and started cleaning up Josh's bloody lip and the little cuts on his face. He was staring at me but I didn't want to look at him because I would start crying so I kept the eye contact at a minimum.

"Mo, please look at me" he said pleading

"Get in the shower Josh, I'll bring you your clothes" I said about walk out. He grabbed my arm and and pulled me back.

"I'm sorry Mo" he said sniffling

"Stop saying sorry and just take a shower" I said as I snatched my arm away. I walked to my room and locked my door. I saw blood on my carpet and my heart started racing

"You're just like your mother, so stubborn and bitchy" he said as he shoved himself in me and punched me again. I saw my blood fly out of my mouth and onto the floor. I whimpered as he pounded in me harder. I couldn't get out of  his grip and that made me cry harder.

"Stop fucking cry" he said slapping me. I couldn't help but sob louder. I was sobbing to the point I started screaming.

A bang on the door interrupted the flashback but that didn't stop me from sobbing loudly like I did in the flashback. I tried to cover my mouth to keep it low but I couldn't. All the pain I felt before had came back and it hurt 2x worse.

"Monica open the door please" my mom said. I crawled to the door with tears still running down my face and unlocked the door. My mom came in and embraced me in a tight hug. I kept crying and it honestly felt good when I stopped.

I looked at my mom and laid my head back on her shoulder

"Can Josh come in?" She asked and I nodded. She got up and walked out the room. I stayed on the floor with my knees to my chest. I stared at the floor and thought about whatever came to mind.

"Mo?" He said

I looked at him with sad eyes.

"Can you just hold me please?" I said and he came down to the floor and put me in his lap

"You shouldn't have to deal with me and all of this. You don't deserve this" I said looking at him

"I told you before that I'm willing to go through anything with you and I meant that. It could be a lot worse but this is just how life is and I'm willing to help you through it" he said kissing my forehead

"Melo liking you is not your fault. He's... I can't even talk about him right now. Let me see your lip" he said moving towards him. He looked at it and shook his head

"I'm so sorry he hit you" he said cradling me

"I'm just glad it wasn't you that hit me" I said looking into his eyes. As I looked into his eyes, my eyes started to tear up a

"Uhhh, I'm such an emotional wreck right now" I said chucking and wiping my face

"It's okay to cry. When's the last time you let it all out?" He asked rubbing my face

"Like 15 minutes, I think" I said shrugging

"Do you wanna cry some more or you wanna lay down?" He asked

"My body is too weak to cry" I said yawning

"Alright get in the bed and I'll be right back" he said leaving the room. I laid on the floor and closed my eyes.

"I swear you do this on purpose" he chuckled while he picked me up and put me on the bed

"Sorry" I said smiling lightly. He laid next to me and pulled me into his chest. He put the blanket over us and kissed my forehead

"I promise we'll be okay Mo. I love you and I never stopped. I don't regret us breaking up because it just gave us another chance to be friends again and heal from our mistakes and situations. I promise ima be right here with you through your healing process no matter how hard it gets" he said. We looked at each other and we leaned in and our lips touched lightly. We pulled away and went to sleep.

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Me or Basketball?[A Josh Christopher Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें