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-Unknown Person Point of View-

            I ran as fast as I could following the trail that lead back to my dad's house. I sucked in the cold, crisp winter air that pricked like shards of glass into my lungs, pain spreading like vines on my torso. I looked at my watch on my wrist, 11:42 gleaming back at me in bright neon blue lettering.

            Man my dad was gonna kill me! My girlfriend convinced me to go to one of her friends 'Christmas' Parties. I couldn't say no to her, but apparently my dad can say no to me. I told her about it, which resulted into us getting into a fight. I didn't want to loose her, so I told her I would sneak out.

           Man, I'll do anything when it comes to her. Love. It make you do stupid things.

           Me and her got caught up in all the partyness and I lost track of time. I was using the bathroom when I saw the clock. It was 11:13 at the time. I said goodbye and left as quickly as I could. Of course she drove me and wouldn't take me back ; She said she wanted to party more. So I have been running home, crossing over roads and fences just to get on this trail.

            My dad lived in the middle of the forest, which totally sucked! It made it harder to get to and from the house. Having to cross through the thick underbrush and skyscraper trees. But it did have its benefits, such as no noisy neighbors. Peace and quiet.

            It was 11:48 now, and I still kept running ; even when both my lungs and legs were basically pleading for me to stop.The cold air wasn't helping either, it made the air in my lungs thicker, breathing harder. Especially with me having Asthma, it was practically 100 times harder for me to breath while doing exercise at school, let alone running home as fast as you can before your father knows you've been out all night.

             Finally fatigue got the best of me and I stopped. My feet stomped down with a loud *thud* spraying a dirt cloud into the air. I leaned over hands on my knees trying to catch my breathe, my light hair falling into my eyes. I pushed my too long bangs back and stood up straight, readying myself to start running again. But just as I put my foot down I felt impact on right side, throwing me to the ground. I fell to the dirt spraying a cloud into the air, all oxygen being wiped from my lungs. I breathed in deeply then I should have and began to choke and gasp. I levered myself with my elbows and sat half-way up, my head flipping from side to side.

             What the heck?!

             Nothing stirred. It was quiet, too quiet. I sat still for a good 15 seconds before I gradually picked myself off the ground, brushing the dirt from my shirt and jeans. I continued to walk, keeping my ears and eyes perked for any sign of sound or movement. I walked slower, then gradually went faster at every step I took.

              Then I heard it. Footsteps.

              I quickly turned and saw a figure behind me, silhouetted by the shining full moon behind them.

               No him. I could tell from the broad shoulders, and the way that he stood that it was for sure a male. He stood still for a a split-second before he began to walk towards me. I began walking backwards, panic swelling in my chest along with the cold air pricking in my lungs.He walked faster with every step, but so did I. Soon I was in a run, running straight down the dirt path that lead to my fathers house. I could see the front porch light on, I could hear the TV of the late night show my dad loved to watch, I was almost safe inside the comfort of my home.

               Then the last thing I expected happened. I stopped running and fell to my knees, gasping into the air like a fish out of water. I put one arm out to catch myself before I face planted on the ground, the other clutching my chest. I gasped and gasped, but I couldn't get any air into my lungs. . . but it was true. I wasn't getting air into my lungs, I was drowning, drowning in air. But I wasn't drowning, I was in a attack.

                 A asthma attack.

                 I fell to my side then flat on my back. Gasping as my heart pounded in my ears, making my head throb with the lack of oxygen.A shiver passed up my arm as I felt a cold fingertip's brush my forearm, making my body jump. I flicked my eyes to the unknown figure looming above me now, his face inches from mine. His blue eyes shone like orbs as straight brown hair fell onto his face, casting shadows from his nose up.

                 "Hey, HEY!", he said to me as I whimpered as I felt myself growing weaker and weaker with every second ticking by. His voice, it had a slight accent to it. Australian? No, British. For sure it was British. He leaned in closer to me as I continued to pant for air. He began again, "Look, I'm really sorry about this. . ."

                 What was he talking about? Before I could wonder anymore, He leaned in towards the knick in my neck. Next thing I knew, pain shot up through my skull and down my shoulder. I screamed, well. . . actually it wasn't a scream. More like a whisper gasp. Due to the lack of oxygen in my lungs and my windpipe nearly closing it only came out as a small 'help". I felt my eyelids grow heavy as my energy was draining away, my arms went slack and my head tilted to the opposite side that the man was on.

                  The last thing I saw before drifting off, was my watch switching to exactly 12:00 in neon blue, before the darkness consumed me.


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