Part 3

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(Time skip to 6 months later)
It was around 2am when I heard it. A scream, Shotos scream. I ran downstairs as fast I my burned and busted up body could take and was horrified at what I saw.
Mom was sobbing on the ground holding Shoto who had his hand clutching his left eye. They were both crying but for different reasons. Shoto was crying out of pain and betrayal and mom because of guilt. Endeavor bursted through the kitchen and took in the scene. He grabbed mom by the wrist. "You witch! What did you do to my perfect creation?!" He yelled. He dragged mom out of the room. After I was sure he was gone and out of the house I ran to sho. I didn't know where he was going to take mom but at the moment all I could think about was if Shoto was ok. I picked him up and held him telling him it was going to be ok telling him sweet lies to calm down. I bandaged up his eye and asked him what happened.
"Mommy was on the phone and she was saying she didn't want to take care of me anymore, so I walking in and asked why and she turned around and poured the hot water on my face. It was scary!" He cried into my shoulder. I was furious to say the least, knowing that endeavor had drove our mother, a women who was always so kind, to the point of insanity. I looked at Shotos beat up body then at myself in the mirror and knew that if mom was gone then things were only going to get a whole lot worse. 'I need to think of a plan to get us out of here' I think to myself.

(Time skip to 3weeks later)

I had been carefully thinking out my plan for a few weeks now and I think now it's time to put put it into action. I wait till endeavor leaves for his shift and go get Shoto from the training room. I find him sleeping on the floor and silently curse myself for not staying up late enough to pick him up. "Hey sho wake up" I shake him awake. "Whaaa?" He yawns. "Wanna play a game?" I say with fake enthusiasm. Shotos eyes light up for the first time in a while. "A game? What kind of game?" He replies excitedly. I pick him up on my back and make my way to the kitchen to make him food while I explain what 'game' we are going to play. "Well it's an adventure type game! First I want you to pack a bag with clothes and a toothbrush. Warm clothes by the way and then you need to hide that bag where no one can find it. Got it?" I finish explaining. He looks at me with curious eyes then replies "it sounds boring". I look at him and realize this is gonna be harder then I thought but I have to get us both out of here so I'll do my best! "Well then I guess no game" I say with a fake sad face. "Ok ok! I like this game now so I'll go do what you told me too!" He runs out of the kitchen limping to go and pack the bag. I'm going to have to trust him with the packing while I sneak food out of the house.

(Time skip to around 1am)
"Shoto wake up" I whisper quietly. He stires and turns to face me. "What's wrong touya-nii?"
"Remember that game we were playing? Well I need you to go and get the bag I told you to pack, the one I told you to hide, remember?" I look him in the eye motioning him to be quiet. He slowly nods and goes to get the bag. I put on a sweatshirt and running shoes and warm pants. I have Shoto do the same.
"Ok Shoto this is what I want you to do. Be super super quiet and go outside with your bag and hide behind the big tree and wait for me ok?" I explain. "Ok but why?" He asks. I should've saw this coming... "well because that's how the game works" I tell him and he nods and does as he's told.
I look at my room think about how I'll never sleep in that same bad ever again. I activate my quirk and set the bed on fire. Then I take a tooth I had been saving which I lost 2 weeks ago and put it on the ground as evidence that I had burned to death along with shoto. I quietly run out of the house and meet Shoto where I told him. I grab his hand all the bags and run. Run as fast as we can.

Damnnn that was a lot of words😂 hope you guys are liking it so far!

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