Part 5

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We walk into the bar and I immediately come face to face with a blond girl with space buns. "Hey my names toga! Can I have a taste of your blood?!" I stand there in shock. "Toga back down and go color or something" all for one says. The girl named toga makes a sad face and goes back to what she was doing. From what I can tell she's about the same age as Shoto, maybe a little older. Speaking of Shoto I look behind me and he's hiding behind my leg.
I pick him up and tell him it's gonna be ok. I look around at the others in the room. A boy with greyish blue hair that keeps scratching himself who looks about my age, a lizard looking guy, and a warp gate man that kinda creeped me out.
"Ok Everyone I'm going to introduce you to some new family I picked up today" he says.
"Introduce yourselves and state your ages"
I look up at everyone "my name is dabi and I'm 12 years old" he say I look at Shoto and tell him to do the same. "I'm Shoto and I'm 5 years old" he says. Every ones just stares at us for a second and floods us with questions. "Can I hold Shoto he's so cute!" "What happened to your guy's faces?" "Did your family throw you out too?" I just stare at them holding onto Shoto. "Um I uh" I stutter. "It's ok kid you don't have to answers them. Give them some space guys!" AFO says.
AFO guides us to a chair at the bar and asks us what our situation is and what happened. I told him everything because I trusted him. I just didn't tell him who out father was because I wasn't so sure about that and what people would think. "I'm sorry you and your little brother had to go through that." He says. I look over at Shoto and see he's actually getting along quite well with the one called toga. "Yeah it was a bit rough and I thought it was just better to leave before things got worse" I say. I see that every one is listening in on our conversation except for toga and sho.
"Well if you want you can stay here and in Exchange you work for me?" AFO offers. I already know my answer because where else am I supposed to go? If we stay here I can take care of Shoto and have a new family that treats me and sho right.

"You got a deal" I say

Ahhhh another short chapter! I'm sorry but hey I hope your liking my story so far.

I will always protect you(villain todoroki and villain touya)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant