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Charlis POV:
How- how did this happen. dammit this is all my fault I ruined his life. This is terrible.
I looked behind me and my mom was standing there. As soon as I saw her I knew she had something to do with this.
They put handcuffs on chase, and took him away
Charli: "Il get you out chase"
He nodded, and I had to find a way to get him out of jail.
I looked at my mom
Charli: "what did you do"
She pointed at the wall
Charli: "what?"
Heidi: "take a closer look"
She said as she left
I went up to the wall to see a small camera hidden in it. Oh my god. She filmed our every move just to put him in jail. UHH I will get him out.
I grabbed my coat and drove to the jail

Chases POV:
They took me away in a police car, I'm so stupid, this is all my fault. I knew it was wrong but I still did it. Dammit, and now I'm going to jail.
Chase: "sooo how long with i have to stay in jail for...?"
Police: "they will sentence you there. But for the sentence for sexual harassment is usually 4 to 10 years.
Or you can pay the money."
Chase: "how much is that?"
Police: "for this case...probably around 4 million dollars"
Chase: "great. Looks like I'm spending 10 years of my life in jail"
Police: "for you it's probably gonna be 4 years, since you didn't really harass her and you guys are only a year apart? Correct?"
Chase: "yeah"
We got to the police station, where they held me in a cell, until they figured out my sentence. A few minutes later, Charli came down to the station. She came to the cell that they were holding me in.
Chase: "what are you doing here?!"
Charli: "I'm getting you out"
Chase: "they said il probably be sentenced for 4 years"
Charli: "what?!"
Chase: "charli, leave. You don't have to be here"
Charli: "yes I do."

Charlis POV:
There has to be another option. I walked up to the officers and asked them the price to get him out of jail.
Police: "it will be around 4 million dollars"
Charli: "that's a lot... but I can handle it. Take it out of my bank account please.
It's under Heidi damelio"
Police: "okay, let's check that"
They went on the computer to take the money out.
Police: "is this your account?"
Charli: "no but I use it, it's my moms"
Police: "well I'm sorry Mame, you need your own account"
Charli: "why??"
Police: "it's the rules"
Charli: "uhhh"
Police: "but it says here, she's giving you 10 million dollars, for your account"
Charli: "really?!!"
Police: "when you're 18"
Charli: "I am 18..."
Police: "to legally use this money, we need to see your I.D. So do you have a drivers license, a passport, a birth certificate or anything on you, that can show your age?"
Charli: "no..."
Police: "well we need iD to give you the money to use."
So I have to wait, a half a month to bail chase out. I mean it could be worse. But it's fine. It's gonna be okay.
I went to chase and I wasn't planning on telling him what I was gonna do because, I knew he wouldn't let me.
Charli: "Il be back. Don't worry, you won't be here for long, Il also make sure the school doesn't find out."
Chase: "ok... thank you Charli, I love you."
Charli: "I love you too"
I left and went back to the school, it was so weird. He wasn't there. And I guess I would have to get used to it.

Time skip⏭
Half a month later

Charlis POV:
It's my 18th birthday today. And I'm so excited. Today I can take chase out of jail, and we can officially date.  I've been so lonely not having chase here. I'm just alone in the dorm, I've been hanging out with nick and Addison mostly... but it's not the same.
For the last 15 days, I've been pretending like chase is sick to cover up for him not going to class. so they give me his work to do in the dorm that he would have to do. But since he's not here, I have to do his work so he doesn't get kicked out of school. I woke up early and went to the bank. I got to the banker person
And I asked them to take out the money.
Charli: "I would like to take out 4 million dollars."
Banker: "what- why?"
Charli: "to take my boyfriend out of jail."
Banker: "um. Mame, you aren't allowed to take out that much money. But we can give you the card"
Charli: "yes. Do that. My card name should be Charli damelio."
Banker: "ok."
She looked on the computer
Banker: "ok, so it looks like your mom sighed this a long time ago. Saying you get 10 million dollars of her money, when you turn 18. May I see your id, to see if it is indeed your 18."
I gave her my drivers license.
Banker: "ok, Mame here is your card"
Charli: "thank you."
Banker: "the pin is 1327"
Charli: "ok thank you Mame."
I took the card and went in the car, I drove to the jail. And went to the reception.
Charli: "hi, I came to bail out chase hudson"
Jail receptionist: "okay, that would be 4million 3 hundred and 7 dollars."
Charli: "okay"
I put my card in the machine and put the pin in.
Jail receptionist: "okay Mame we will get him"
I was so excited, I haven't seen him in since the day he got arrested Because we were only allowed one visit a month.

Chases POV:
It's been terrible here. I hate it. And I could only see Charli once a month. So I hadn't seen her since I got in jail. And just the thought of staying here for 4 years made me want to die, the foods terrible, i haven't shaved in so long, so I don't look to good. I was in the cell, doing nothing but looking at the wall till one of the police officers came in. Usually when a police officer came in it would mean you're in trouble, and they would hurt you. But he came close to me and grabbed my arm aggressively. He pulled me out of the cell
Chase: "what's happening? What did I do??"
He said nothing, he pulled me down stairs to the reception area.
I had never been here before while I was in jail.
Chase: "what's going on?!"
He thru me aggressively on the ground, and I looked up and- omg it was her. I got up and hugged her. I didn't know why she was here, because I still had to wait another half a month for a visit. But at that moment I didn't care. Oh my god. It's her 18th birthday today- I forgot.
Maybe that's why she's here.
I hugged her the tightest I've ever hugged anyone before.
Chase: "happy birthday btw"

Hehe, sorry if this was a boring chapter, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did press the vote button!

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