Youre not going

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Charlis POV:
No no no not again.
Why does he need to go back to them?? Why?? He told Me when he was around me he didn't need drugs?? He's been doing this over and over again for years now. Why?? Why does he need them now? He's gonna fail his classes, he's gonna lose me, his life is going down the drain? For what? Drugs?

Next thing I know the door opens and he's starring directly at me.
Charli: "what the fuck is this??! Why are you on drugs again?!?"
I walked up to him
Chase: "I- I didn't think you'd find thos-"
I slapped him
He looked offended
Chase: "I- I'm sorry- I can explain-"
He looked like he was about to cry-
Charli: "okay?"
Chase: "I'm not addicted I promise. I'm... im just trying to find a way... to get rid of Janet."
He's joking right?? He still sees her?? Why hasn't he told me??? It's been months I didn't think that still effected him.
Chase: "im sorry you had to find out this way-"
Charli: "no it's fine im not mad. Im just glad you aren't addicted to drugs. Sorry for slapping you by the way"
Chase: "it's fine. Even though my face hurts. Il be fine"
Charli: "anyways, have you found anything that works?"
Chase: "'no"
Charli: "so you haven't found a way to get her out of your head??"
Chase: "no... and she makes me do things I don't want to do..."

C'mon Charli don't be jealous of a dead girl.
She's literally dead why am I so jealous?
Well it is a little concerning how he's always thinking about another girl? I should be concerned.

Charli: "just go to a doctor? Have you tried?"
Chase: "well no-"
Charli: "then go?"
Chase: "what am I gonna tell them? That the girlfriend I killed is haunting me?"
Charli: "no. You'd just say she died in a car crash"
Chase: "ok never mind. This isn't even a big deal."
Charli: "fine. Whatever."
Chase: "I'm sorry this is happening tho, it's not because I'm still in love with her."
Charli: "then why is it?"
Chase: "I don't know Charli. I don't know."
Charli: "why is she still In your head? Tell me."
Chase: "i don't know!"
I don't believe him
Charli: "I think you do."
Chase: " I don't."
Charli: "you do."
Chase: "I don't know what you are talking about?"
Charli: "I think you do."
Chase: "ok fine! I'm on drugs and I think that's why she's in my head sometimes"

I looked at him
Chase: "im-"
Before he could finish I slapped him again
Charli: "why?? Am I not enough for you?? You are jeopardizing your whole life for this. Get off them now and I won't break up with you."
Chase: "but I'm not even addicted??"
Charli: " by you saying that, proves you're addicted. You know your addicted you just don't know when enough is enough!"
Chase: "ok! fine. Il throw them out but only for you"
Charli: "this isn't for me. It's for you."
Chase: "whatever"
Charli: "why are you even back on them? What did I do?"
Chase: "it's not you it's me. Well. It kinda is you. You are the one who told me that night to have some and that kinda triggered it."
Charli: "oh- okay. Well sorry about that. Now throw them out. I wanna see you throw all of them out or I will."
Chase: "fine I will."
He took everything in the cabinet and opened the bottles. He poured them out into the toilet.
Chase: "this good?!"
Charli: "don't give me attitude."
Chase: "sorry."
Charli: "flush it now."
Chase: "fine."
He was about to press the button but didn't
Chase: "do I have t-"
I walked over and flushed it.
Chase: "Charli! I was gonna do it"
Charli: "No you were not."
Chase: "why do you always have to be so mean to me?"
mean? I'm helping him.
Charli: "I'm just trying to protect you. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
Chase: "I know. but I'm an adult I can protect myself"
Charli: "really chase? Do you think you have everything under control? this would have never happened if you could protect yourself. and no, it's not my fault you took the drugs in the first place. it's yours, I was high and you weren't. you knew better but you did it anyway. You can't control yourself. if I wanted I could send you off to rehab and they are a lot meaner then me"
Chase: "you're right"
he walked over to me and hugged me.
Chase: "I'm sorry."
Chase: "I'm going back to rehab"
What?? I never said that?? He can't go to rehab??

I pushed him away
Charli: "no you aren't?!"
Chase: "you said you would send me there if I did it again. So why not jus go now??"
Charli: "because I can fix you! You don't need to leave?!"
Chase: "I'm a burden. You could go so much further without constantly checking if I'm back on drugs"
Charli: "no. You're not a burden. You aren't going to rehab. You can't"
Chase: "why not?"
Charli: "we need to graduate together, and if you left we'd break up and if we break up, there's a good chance Il never see you again"
Chase: "that's not true. Il come back for you."
Who does he think he is??
Charli: "there will be no need to come back for me because you're not leaving."
Chase: "charli it's what I have to do."
Charli: "nope."
Chase: "yes."
He picked up his phone and started dialling a number-

Why is he doing this to me??
He can't leave when things age finally going well??
What do I do?

He kept dialling-
I ran to my drawer and took out the handcuffs.

Should I?

He pressed call

Yes I have too.

I ran behind him and knocked the phone out of his hand. I took the hand cuffs and put it around his wrist.
Chase: "charli!"
I took the other one and put it on the bed
Chase: "I swear to god Charli let me out now."
Charli: "not until you agree not to go"

Hehehe. Things getting a little more interesting 🤪🩴

Word count: 1048

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