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Charlis POV:
I mean, it was pretty obvious I was gonna win for hottest person. Look around. All I see are nerds and maybe every 1/20 people are hot.
It's actually pretty sad.

Also I really don't understand how I'm graduating if I've missed over 100 classes

Principal: "is everyone ready for the ceremony!"
Everyone cheered
Principal: "okay! Let's start! First up, branda alsom."

10 minutes later

Ok. He's been talking for so long.
When's me?
Each one of these people are making a small speech, it's getting kinda annoying. Can they just go up, take the diploma and leave.
Principal: "Chase Hudson!"

Oh- kinda forgot about him.

I looked over at him and he smiled .
He walked up the stage.

Chases POV:
Wow. This is scary.
I'm graduating. Wait- I'm graduating? Like actually? Wow.

I walked up to the stage and the principal passed me my diploma

I cannot believe u have a diploma
Principal: "congratulations chase Hudson!"
Everyone clapped
Chase: "thank you"

Principal: "now would you like to make a speech?"
Chase: "sure. Why not."
I walked up to the microphone

Chase: "hi everyone. So I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone here. Il forever be grateful for coming here. I've made so many great memories here and il always remember that. I'm grateful for everything, the parties, the clubs, and greatest of all...the people I met"
I looked over at Charli
she smiled at me
Chase: "these 4 years have truly been the best and worst years of my life. So I guess thank you to everyone who contributed to that. Happy graduation day!"
I walked off the stage and everyone clapped.

I walked back to Charli and she smiled
Charli: "you did great"
Chase: "thank you"
Principal: "next up...Charli damelio!"

Charlis POV:
Finally. It's happening.. it's finally happening. I'm graduating somehow. I have no idea how but I am. I guess so somehow passed all My classes

I walked up the stage and the principal gave me my diploma
Principal: "congratulations"

This is kinda awkward, since I
threatened to sue his school.

I smiled
Principal: "any last words?"
I nodded
I walked to the mic
Charli: "hello everybody. You may know me as the bitch of the schoo-"
Principal: "language ms.damelio!"
Charli: "sorry. I just wanted to say, I'm glad we all made it here. If somebody would have told me 6 years ago that I'd be going to college and graduating. I would have called them crazy. I never thought in a million years that I'd be going to college. But here we are, On the last day. When I first got here I was dreading ever coming. My parents forced me. I thought I'd drop out by the time I was 18, but nope. I stayed. All because of one person who changed my life... what I'm trying to say is that that this school changed my life and I'm grateful for all of you!.. well. Most of of you"
Actually, I'm not grateful for any of them but okay.

I walked back down the stage and took my seat.
Everyone clapped and cheered.
Chase: "that was really good"
Charli: "thank you"
Chase: "so who was the one person who changed your life..."
He smirked
I rolled my eyes and put my arms around his neck then kissed him.
I pulled away
Charli: "told you we'd get out of this together"
Chase: "wasn't doubting it"

Principal: "that's everyone!"
Wow, really saved best for last
Oh my god- that's it?? It's over? 

Everyone cheered and through their hats up into the air.

Chase: "we did it"
Charli: "yes we did"
He smiled then hugged me.

We walked over to nick and Addison and said our goodbyes, knowing well we'd probably never see them again.

We said goodbye to some other people and We walked over to the snack place and took a bunch of snacks.
Charli: "we're outa here"
He nodded
He grabbed all of snacks and we ran to the car.

Most of the people had already left, it was getting pretty dark.

We slowly ate our snacks knowing what came next.


Chase: "well. It's getting pretty dark.."
Charli: "I know..."
Chase: "well... I guess this is it."
Charli: "I guess it is.."
He hugged me.
Chase: "I'm gonna miss living with you"
Charli: "me too"
I really don't want to do this.
Chase: "bye Charli. Il see you soon."
Charli: "bye. Love you."
Chase: "love you too"
I sighed and he got out of the car.

Why is this happening. We are probably gonna break up now. First of all, I don't even know where he is living, I don't know if he's homeless or if he has anywhere to stay. Second of all, he doesn't even have a phone because I broke his so how am I gonna call him? Am I just gonna have to guess where he is? Uh. Whatever. Il figure it out.

Chases POV:
Well, I pretty much am homeless. But that's not her problem.
I have nowhere to go, nowhere to live, nothing to do.

I watched her drive away, then she stopped?

She made a U turn and Parked back in front of me ?

Maybe she forgot something.

She rolled down her window
Chase: "what are you doing?"
She got out of the car and walked over to me. She took my hands and sighed
Charli: "move in with me"
Wait what??
Chase: "what??"
Charli: "I know I know, sounds crazy but we've been living together for years? There would be nothing different about this. I'm buying a house here in LA, you would love it. So please, move in with me."
Wow. I was not expecting that.
Chase: "are you sur-"
Charli: "yes I'm sure. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. You probably have nowhere else to go, I would be lonely living on my own, I would love to live with you. So will you pleas-"
Chase: "yes"

Love that.

This chapter I cried. They are leaving the school forever. After 181 chapters, 181 thousand words they are leaving. Crazy. Anyways, next chapter will be then in the real world, moving in together.

Word count: 1054

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