Yettus to the fetus

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Charlis POV:
Chase kissed me in-front of everyone, I didn't really care it was just for fun. But it definitely looked like Luna cared. She was angry. Like angry angry. I got off the table and chase fell of the table.
I laughed. Then Luna came over and slapped me.
Charli: "bruh"
Charli: "first of all, he kissed me. Second of all, it didn't mean anything. It was just for fun. He's drunk he doesn't know what he's doing"
Luna: "whatever"
Charli: "what happened to you? You used to be kinda nice"
Luna: "shut up. I think you know why. Chase likes you more than his own girlfriend. It's obvious"
Charli: "that's just because we are best friends"
Luna: "shore."
Whatever. I took a shot . Then I decided to take chase and go home.
Charli: "chase let's go"
Chase: "WhY"
I took his hand and pulled him home.
We went back to the dorm and chase kept trying to kiss me but I was sober enough to know not too.
Charli: "chase go to bed"
Chase: "only iF YoU SlEep in my bEd -< WitH mE!"
Charli: "no"
Chase: "yeS"
I went to his bed and sat there until he fell asleep. After that I went back to
My bed

Chases POV:
I woke up this morning to the sound of puking. I ran to the bathroom, i held her hair back.
Charli: "pretty bad hangover I guess"
Chase: "yep. What happened last night. It's a blur"
Charli: "oh um- you got drunk, you tried to kiss me in-front of everyone. And you kept flirting with me all night"
Chase: "shit- please tell me Luna didn't see any of that"
Charli: "she saw all of it"
Chase: "Dammit"

Charlis POV:
Yeah, I lied to chase. Technically it's not a lie. I just didn't tell him that I kissed him back. I didn't want him to think I still had feelings for him. For the rest of the day I was feeling sick because of the hangover. I missed a few classes.

Chases POV:
I went to lunas dorm to apologize for what I did. I knocked on the door and she answered.
Chase: "look I'm so sorry, I heard what I did and I'm sorry I tried to kiss Charli. I promise I didn't know what I was doing I-"
Luna: "tried to kiss her?? You think it's easy for me to see you and charli making out in-front of the whole party??"
Chase: "what?"
Luna: "she was completely sober and she knew what she was doing, but she still did it"
Oh- I did not know that.
Chase: "I'm sorry!! I didn't know!!"
Luna: "whatever Chase."
She closed the door on me and I left. I went back to the door and charli was still puking.
Chase: "do you want me to call the nurse?"
Charli: "no I'm fine"
Chase: "and also. Why did you say I tried to kiss you?"
Charli: "cuz you did"
Chase: "luna told me what happened"
Charli: "fine. I kissed back just because I wanted to have some fun"
Chase: "FUN?? Are you kidding?? You could have ruined my relationship"
Charli: "not my fault you kissed me"
Chase: "well it's not my fault you kissed me back"
Charli: "okay whatever chase. It's not a big deal"
Chase: "I'm gonna go"
Charli: "fine by me"

Charlis POV:
After I missed a lot of classes I was still puking. I heard someone knocking on the door I assumed it was chase
Charli: "Come in!"
Someone came in and it was a teacher
Teacher: "you've been missing a lot of classes, I came to check on you"
Charli: "yea I'm just a little sick"
Teacher: "wanna come to the nurses office?"
Charli: "no thanks I'm fine. It's just a bad hangover"
I said as I puked
Teacher: "ok you're going to the nursing Office"
Charli: "uh fine"
I got up and walked over there.
They asked me a bunch of questions.
Nurse: "do your hangovers usually last this long?"
Charli: "no"
Nurse: "are you a virgin?"
I laughed
Charli: "oh your serious?"
Nurse: "yes"
Charli: "oh- I'm not a virgin"
Nurse: "could it be possible that you are pregnant?"
Charli: "I-"
I thought back to the night that chase and I hooked up for the second time.
Charli: "holy- we forgot to use protection-"
Nurse: "okay well mame can you please take a pregnancy test"
Charli: "y-yes"
I took a test and went to the bathroom.
I came out with the test and waited.
I flipped it over and it was —-
Charli: "dammit"
Nurse: "mame, don't freak out."
I took some deep breaths.
Charli: "I'm going to a real hospital"

Chases POV:
I came back to the dorm and charli wasn't there. I wanted to apologize for taking out all my anger on her. I waited in the room for a long time and she didn't come till hours later. She got in the room and she looked nervous.
Chase: "where were you!!"
Charli: "uh- avanis room"
Chase: "oh okay"
I could tell she was lying
Chase: "I'm gonna go to nicks room one sec"
Charli: "ok"
I wasn't actually going to nicks room, I was gonna ask avani if charli was at her room. I went to her dorm and she answered.
Chase: "hey, was Charli here earlier"
Avani: "no, why?"
I knew she was lying
Chase: "oh no reason I just wanted to know"
I went back to the room, and charli was breathing really loudly but when she noticed me she stopped.
Chase: "so, are you still sick?"
Charli: "I- I don't know"
We watched a movie but she was acting really weirdly.
I stoped the movie
Charli: "hey why did you do that!"
Chase: "what's wrong"
She looked really nervous when I said that
Charli: "what do you mean?"
She voice was cracking, and I saw tears in her eyes.
Chase: "are you okay?"
Charli: "yea... I'm fine"
She started completely crying at this point
I ran over to her
Chase: "tell me what's wrong"
Charli: "I- I had an abortion"

Yettus to the fetus

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