How could you...

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Chases POV:
How.... how could someone possibly be such a monster.... I hate her... I never wanna talk to her again, I never wanna look at her again and I sure as hell never want to see her again. This isn't a joke... she may think it is but to me it isn't. I loved her and that baby with everything I had, i supported her through everything, I stood by her through everything, hell I would have even died for that girl.
But I ask for one thing... to keep our child and she kills it.

She's just like he brother. A sociopath.
She doesn't care about anything or anyone but herself. She's selfish, she's un-loyal , she's careless yet I can't stop loving her. And that's the problem. I can't get away from her. 

After about 1 hour doing nothing but
thinking I snap out of my thoughts.
I hear noises in the bathroom.
I quickly get up off the ground, A little too fast causing blood to rush to my head. The room gets black.
I walk into the bathroom and she's puking in the toilet while coughing.
I ignored my first instinct to help her.

The poison is gonna get her really sick.
She's gonna need me but I won't be the one to help.

I walked out of the bathroom without saying a word and I walked to my bed.
I put ear plugs in and got under the covers.

I started to cry thinking about my life.
It's pretty sad.
My parents are dead.
My kids dead.
My ex girlfriend/girlfriend is a terrible person
I have no friends.
My life's a mess And If you think about it, Every single one of those reasons is because of Charli. She took my great life and turned it upsidown.
She ruined it.

Charlis POV:
I did it. I finally did it. I killed it once and for all. I don't ever have to deal with anymore complaining or fat shaming jokes again. It's done. Everything worked out. Chase is devastated. I'm free. And everything is perfect?

Is it though?

It doesn't feel perfect?

Yeah I did everything I ever wanted to do but what does that leave me with?
No one to love.
No friends
I did what I had to do to make myself feel better but I wasn't thinking about the future.
Do I want him back?
Did I all along?
He trapped me, he sent me away.
We are in a toxic relationship.
It's over. It's not happening.

I continued to puke then I finished
I walked to my bed but I saw chase under has covers.
He's probably crying. Good. I'm glad he's sad. He heard me then got up.
Chase: "you happy? You happy that I'm miserable? Is this whag you wanted??"
Charli: "actually yes. It's exactly what I wanted"
Chase: "that's great. But you Lost me in the process."
Kill 2 birds with one stone.

Charli: "you don't understand chase. You betrayed me, I trusted you. We had something good and you-"
Chase: "are we really gonna talk about trust?? Okay. You pretended to be pregnant, you cheated on me multiple times, you sent me to rehab FOR 9 MONTHS, you broke up with me for another guy, you ruined most of my relationships because YOU weren't happy, you're brother killed my parents and you never told me and worst of all you made me think we were gonna have a happy life together and you FLED. And through EVERYTHING, I stayed with you! I FORGAVE YOU AND THE MOMENT I DO ONE THING FOR MYSELF, YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON ME."
Those were mistakes. Sending me away?? Not a mistake.
Chase: "we are in a toxic relationship Charli! We always have been we've just been to blind to see it!!"
Charli: "It wasn't toxic. It was just complicated. The universe is against us."
Chase: "the universe isn't against us. You are."
I rolled my eyes .
Charli: "so that's it?? You're just gonna end it?"
Chase: "I'm not the one who's ended it. You ended it the moment you killed our kid."
Charli: "..."
What am I supposed to say to that?
Charli: "chase I know how much you wanted a kid. Trust me, it would have been harder to give it to someone else then kill it. You would have been too attached to give it up for adoption. I just made it easier for you"
I mean, it's true. He would have gotten attached and then he would have not been able to give it away. I know how this story works.
Chase: "typical Charli. Playing the victim once again."
Charli: "can you stop?? Stop blaming everything wrong with our relationship on me?? If anything you're playing the victim. At least I know what I've done?? At least I can admit I was wrong?? You've ruined this relationship in more ways than I can count."
Chase: "ok. How."
He rolled his eyes
Charli: "you became a drug attic. You kidnapped me, you became obsessed with me, you cheated too, you used me as your rebound and you never once in our relationship trusted me"
Chase: "you know why I never trusted you."
Charli: "yeah. Because I'm a slut right? Because I can't ever change? I'm always gonna be the girl who hooks up with people and never calls them back. I'm always gonna be the girl who cheats on you."
Chase: "I never said that"
Charli: "if you really want that life. A life with a kid. Have one with another girl. Go marry someone else. Live that life."
Chase: "I can't do that?"
Charli: "and why is that??"
Chase: "because I love you!"
Charli: "then stop loving me!"
Chase: "I can't?!"
Charli: "ok I'm done with this conversation. I did what I had to do. And I don't regret it."
I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone.
Chase: "move out."
Charli: "nope."
Chase: "I don't wanna see you"
Charli: "I know that. But i don't care."
Chase: "why?? Just get out."
Charli: "we may hate each other but at the end of the day we are meant for each other and there's nothing any of us can do to stop that. So I'd appreciate it if we could skip the whole moving out stuff and fighting stuff and just move on"

Most of this chapter is them fighting sorry bout that.
Well, that's most of this book so I guess you guys are used to it.

Please put some ideas in the comments

Word count: 1108

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