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Charlis POV:
I wasn't actually ever gonna leave obviously. I'm not gonna jeopardize my diploma for a boy. I just threatened to leave because I knew it would make him tell me how he really felt about me. This was all a plan to get him to kiss me. But I don't wanna sleep with him for the wrong reasons, I wanna get back together, I don't wanna be friends with benefits. That never ends well.
Charli: "we should start fresh"
Chase: "you know I can't just forget about everything you've done"
Charli: "I know-"
I heard a knock at the door
I groaned
Charli: "we will continue this conversation in a second"
He nodded
I walked over to the door and opened it

It's the the same girl from yesterday. The girl who was giving us the flyers for the dance
Charli: "what do you want Cassie"
Carrie: "it's Carrie, but I'm excited to announce that graduation is coming up soon!"
What- no way-

Carrie: "so may I suggest some things?"
I nodded
Carrie: "make the most of the rest of your senior year, say goodbye to your friends and hello to the real word"
The fuck- that was the cringest thing I've heard all year.
Charli: "nah. Do you actually have suggestions or"
Carrie: "oh... uh, so I suggest you start making your résumé and start studying"
Charli: "anything actually worth my time?"
Carrie: "oh... maybe you can become an intern-"
Charli: "I said something worth my time"
Carrie: "well, maybe you can take a tour-"
I shut the door in her face

Chase: "why-"
Charli: "just talking to that girl isn't worth my time"
I sat down next to him
Chase: "so... what do you wanna do?"
Charli: "it's gonna be hard not seeing you every day"
Chase: "yeah..."
Charli: "I'm gonna miss this place, we've made so many memories here."
Chase: "yeah. I can't believe that after graduation we are never gonna see this place again"
Charli: "I know right.. you promise we are gonna stay at least friends after graduating?"
Chase: "why do you wanna be friends now- you were just about to leave and never come back-"
Charli: "I wasn't actually gonna leave obviously, I have like 3 things in my bag"
Chase: "seriously"
He sighed
Charli: "anyways, ya promise you won't storm off and be an idiot?"
Chase: "I don't do that"
Charli: "just say you promise we will stay friends?!"
Chase: "of course, why wouldn't we?"
Charli: "because every time we break up we have no choice but to make up because we live together, but what happens when we get in a fight and we don't live together? We will go our separate ways and we will never make up"
Chase: "that's true.."

Wait- I have an idea-
Charli: "I have an idea"
Chase: "what?"
Charli: "remember when we got these stupid tattoos"
I pointed at it
He nodded
Chase: "yeah worst money I ever spent"
Charli: "well what if we got new tattoos"
Chase: "of what?"
Charli: "each other's names"
I smirked
Chase: "no way!? What if we aren't friends later?"
Charli: "that's the point. Since we have the tattoos, we will make sure to stay friends"
Chase: "you are an idiot"
I shrugged
Chase: "... fine."
I smiled
Charli: "ok. Well, let's go"
Chase: "Mk"
I'm definitely gonna regret this but who cares.

I walked to the door and we grabbed our coats.
I opened the door and we left.
We got to the parking lot and got in the car. I stared driving.

We got the place and I immediately got déjà vu.
Chase: "is this-"
Charli: "yup-"
I Parked.
Chase: "it's the same parking lot where we first met."
Charli: "I guess so"
Chase: "well, a lot changed since then"
Charli: "shore did"
We got out of the car and walked over to the tattoo place passing the closed dunkin that I went to on my first day of school.
I opened the door and we went inside.

We walked over to the reception.
Reception: "take a look around at the design you might want"
Charli: "we know what we want"
Reception: "ok, please tell me so I can write it down"
Charli: "I want a tatto on my..."
I looked over at him.
Chase: "ankle?"
Charli: "ok. Ankle, that says Chase. And he wants one that says Charli without an E"
She nodded
Reception: " that's risky don't ya think"
Charli: "just give us the tatoos"
Reception: "ok ok. Please calm down"
I am calm.

Reception: "right this way"
We followed her into the back.
Reception: "take a seat"
We sat down
Reception: "wait here"

Chases POV:
I can't believe i am doing this, I look like an idiot right now.
Who is dumb enough to get a tattoo of someone's name??
Me I guess.
We already have matching tattoos of a sun and moon. They are nice tattoos but it was a mistake. We knew we were gonna break up eventually but we still got them, it was on charlis 18th birthday. Now she's what? 20 and still making stupid choices.
Still feels like we are teenagers. Nothings really changed if you think about it.

The Tattoo guys came to the back and sat in chairs.
Staff: "what would you like?"
There's no turning back now.
Chase: "can you write Charli, on my ankle. C H A R L I"
Staff: "you're getting your girls name? That's gonna be a mistake"
Chase: "she's not my girlfriend"
Staff: "oh. She has a boyfriend?"
Chase: "no..?"
Staff: "so you are telling me, she's single and you are friends with her?"
Chase: "yes?"
Staff: "are you gay?"
Chase: "can I just get the tattoo?"
Staff: "so you have the choice to be with her but you chose not to"
I nodded
Chase: "yes. Are you done?"
Staff: "can I ask her out?"
Chase: "no"
Staff: "so you don't want her and nobody else can have her?"
Can this guy stop talking
Chase: "I never said I didn't want her"
Staff: "then get her"
Chase: "it's complicated"
Staff: "how's it complicated, you like her obviously and she likes you obviously because she's getting a tattoo of your name so ask her out"
Way more complicated than that
Chase: "we've dated. Many times. Things get messy."
He shrugged and started doing the tattoo
Staff: "okay but you're gonna regret not dating a girl like that in a few years."
Chase: "you don't know anything about her, any idiot can she that she's gorgeous but she's more than just that."

🌛🌜 ok please comment if you want them back together 🌛🌜 a lot of people don't for some reason 😭✋

Also comment some ideas, I have writers block.

Thank you for 125k reads!!

Word count: 1128

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