Burgers and killin sprees!

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Al: *is being hugged by Matt while watching a baseball game on t.v. and eating one of the veggie burgers*

Dogs297: *breaks down the door* Pack your bags Al! We're goin on a killin spree across the country and I packed veggie burgers!

Al: What?... I'm in the middle of a good game yo. Besides I already went on a killi- *Al's favorite team, the Giants, score a point on the t.v.* WOOHOOO! FUCK YEAH! GO GIANTS!

Maya: Yo dogs297, you probably wouldn't wanna go on a killing spree with Al anyways. Especially when he's like this. He can go a bit overboard sometimes... That's all I'm going to say about that.... Anyways, don't forget to vote and ask questions in the comments section! See ya! ^_^

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