Potatoes and baldness. . . ?

387 22 16

Al, Matt, & Maya: *sitting on the couch watching tv*

François & Oliver: *sleeping upstairs*

Potatochase: *bursts through the front door* AL EAT THIS RAW POTATO WHOLE. NO CHEWING.

Al: What the fuck?. . .

Matt: *too busy not caring*

Maya: Chase what the fuck. What the actual fuck. Why do you want Al to eat a potato whole?

Potatochase: Well you said that the dares could be anything and I didn't know what the dare should have been. So, Al has to swallow a raw potato.

Al: I am not going to do that. It sounds painful T-T.

Maya: Al, I am pretty damn sure that you've had bigger things go down your throat.


Maya: Hehehe -w-

Potatochase: Oh yeah. I also want all of you guys to shave your heads bald.

Al & Matt: WHAT!?

Maya: Chase, I think that you should run.

Potatochase: Good plan. *runs out the house*

Maya: So are you guys not gonna do it?

Matt: Are you kidding me? Fuck no. It actually took awhile to grow my hair out this long you know.

Al: Yeah! It was pretty hard to get my hair to look this luxurious.

Matt & Maya: Yeah surree.

Al: Fuckin dicks. . . T-T

Maya: *yawns* I am sooo tired. I goin to bed now. Goodnight guys.

Al & Matt: Goodnight.

Maya: *walks upstairs into Maya's room and gets into bed* Okay guys, that's it for today. To all of you other guys that I haven't answered yet, I will answer them. Don't worry. So yeah. See ya soon! ^_^

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