More hugs...

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Maya: Geez people love their hugs.... Okay. Francois!

Francois: *grunts* What do you want?

Maya: You have a dare from Nintendo_Fox. He said that he dares you to hug everybody that you know. Ya hear? EVERYBODY. So get to huggin!

Francois: No. I don't do hugs. *pulls cigarette away from his mouth and puffs a cloud of smoke* I hate physical contact...

Maya: Aww come on Francy-pants. Hugs aren't that bad now. Why d-

Francois: I mean it when I say no. I am not fucking doing it. Got it?

Maya: *sighs* I didn't want to have to do this to you Francois. I didn't want to have to do this to you...

Francois: *sweatdrops* What the fuck are you talking about?...

Maya: I am going to throw out ALL of your packs of cigarettes if you don't hug people. I will make sure that you don't smoke for as long as I live. So, what will it be?

Francois: *groans* My god you're a bitch... *puffs another cloud of smoke*

Maya: Hey, don't blame me! Blame whoever asked the question!

Francois: *irkmarks* Nnng... I still blame you. Whatever. Fine I'll...... hug people that I know...

Maya: Yay! Get goin then! ^_^

Francois: *rolls his eyes*

~ Timeskip to Oliver's hug~

Oliver: *Is frosting cupcakes in the kitchen* Oh this blue frosting goes so well with these pink sprinkles!~

Francois: *is hiding around the corner of the wall* Uhhgg.... might as well get it over with... *sneaks up on Oliver and hugs him from behind with a blush on his face*

Oliver: *slightly jumps* Huh? *turns around* Francois? *gasps* You're hugging me?... *blushes*

Francois: *grunts and nods* . . .

Oliver: Oh I knew you would like hugs one day!~ *gives Francois a big hug and kisses him on the cheek*

Francois: *sighs and pulls away from hugs* Okay okay that's enough now... I'm gonna go and... check on the boys...

Oliver: *tilts head* Huh? *grins* Oh okay. Goodbye then.~ ^_^

~Timeskip to Matt and Al's hug~

Matt: *is hugging Al* I hate you so fucking much Al...

Al: *is hugging Matt back* Aww don't be that way Mattie~

Francois: *sneaks behind Matt and Al and quickly hugs them*

Matt and Al: Da fuck??? ._.

Francois: *sprints away upstairs into his room and locks the door* NEVER AGAIN.

Everyone: *poker faced* . . .

Maya: Well there's that! Tee hee~. Don't forget to vote and ask questions in the comments section. See ya later! ^_^

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