Why are there so many hugs? O-o

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Oliver: *is snuggling François on the couch* (O*^ w ^*)O

Matt: *hugging Al* O(=^= O) Uuuuugghh. . .

Maya: *is tied up and being dragged into the room by Mitskuni and Waitingforthem123* Hey you guys, uuuummm. . . I'm kinda stuck here. They won't let me go unless you do what they want. Please help me. Q_Q

François: No. You have already caused enough trouble for us. Why don't you just Fuck off? *blows out a cloud of smoke*

Oliver: *Punches François in the head* No swearing love.~ *takes a penny out of François' front pocket and drops it into the swear jar* ^_^

François: I hate you =_= . . .

Mitskuni: Okay, well whoever hugs me first- *magically pulls out a steaming plate of fresh pancakes* will get these pancakes! ^-^

Maya: Ooo!~ I want some! *tries to worm over to Mitskuni*

Matt: *springs up from the couch* FUCK OFF MAYA, THEY'RE MINE. *sprints over and bear hugs Mitskuni and takes the plate of pancakes* MWAHAHAHA THEY ARE ALL MINE NOW.

Maya: Nuuuuu. T-T


Matt: *throws a penny at Oliver* TAKE YOUR STUPID MONEY OLD MAN. IMA GO UPSTAIRS AND EAT MAH PANCAKES. *runs upstairs to room*

Everyone in the room: O_o . . .

Waitingforthem123: Hey, wait! I wanna get a hug from EVERYONE. That includes you cigarette breath!


Oliver: *slaps hand over François' mouth* We would love to hug you darling.~

Al: *goes upstairs and pulls Matt back downstairs*

Everyone (except for me): *hugs Waitingforthem123*

Maya: I can't really join in because I am kinda tied up at the moment. . .

Everybody: * Ignores Maya*

Maya: Fine then. Be that way TT^TT. * Worms off into a closet* Okay guys, I know that I have been gone for a really really long time now, but I am back! Summer has officially begun, so I have all summer to do asks (of course unless I go off somewhere for a week or something). So yeah! See you later! ^_^

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