Fangirling Fangirls

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Maya: *Walks in the room wearing a bunch of anime and Japanese clothing while carrying multiple bags filled with anime merchandise* GUYS GUESS WHERE I WENT?!?! @W@

Everyone: *has a concerned look on all of their faces* ......

Al: Did Japan throw up on you again?...

Maya: Don't remind me about that =^=...... No. I went to SacAnime! I MET SO MANY AMAZING COSPLAYERS AND MET THE MOST AMAZING VOICE ACTORS EVER. I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE IT LIKE OMFG ASDFJK- *is fangirling too hard to be understood*

Matt: *grabs his hockey stick and whacks me in the back of the head* Stop talking...

Maya: *gets knocked out and falls on the floor while chibis fly around my head*

Matt: *looks at everyone* Let's try to avoid this from happening ever again, eh?

Everyone else: Yeaaahhh......

A/N: Okay so yeah I went to SacAnime over the Christmas break and it was sooo fun! I FREAKING MET TODD HABERKORN, BRINA PALENCIA, AND OTHER VOICE ACTORS. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL TT-TT. Besides that though, I hope you enjoyed tgis little thing I wrote and DON'T FORGET TO ASK QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS. ASK ANYTHING YOU WANT. I AM ALL FOR WHATEVER IT IS. So, see ya later ^_^

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