Chapter Three (Nerida)

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Vacation had been in the works for ages, and now it was finally here. After all the flights, drives, security escorts past crowds of crazed fans, and countless hours of practice and performance, we were finally home. Baratos and I.

My first motive of business now that I am back was to pay the old home in Orion a visit. Have a good old get together with Lisa in the Stanwell basement. Since all of us kids are grown adults, it's been hardly used- unless Alfonso and Lorenza had friends over.

Lorenza was home, so she joined in on the gathering. After getting busy with my own life, I was at home less and less. Then Catalon happened and I got married. Now I had a condo in the most expensive neighborhood in Baltimore.

It was great to see her this time.

"I wish I took more time off to spend with you girls years ago," she said, shrugging. I took notice to her tied back long black hair, which now showed streaks of gray near her forehead. "All three of you are long gone from the house, but Alfonso and I continue to work."

"You go enjoy your jobs though," Lisa contradicted. "That's why I decided to pursue journalism. I fell in love with the thrill of uncovering the truth about this and that."

My sister had a point. Lorenza loved her job as a doctor. Then Alfonso loved his job in the United States Navy. I think they were the inspirations to us as we grew up through all the craze following the end of the Generian Invasion.

In a way, they inspired us to carry on with our lives. To accept the irreversible change around us and move forward with it. No where in the universe remained the same as all the planets and galaxies caught wind of our existence at the center.

"I agree," I added. "Even if it took an invasion and my original name and identity, I still managed to be the one and only DJ Cleo who everyone wanted to listen to."

Lorenza's brown eyes twinkled as we told her. "Alfonso and I have always been busy at work, but we still managed to raise you three so well."

A few years after the invasion took place and ended, Lorenza was given a job offer to move to medical research. She did consider it, but she wanted to stay at Orion General. Alfonso was to remain at the pentagon until his retirement arrived.

"How's Dad?" I asked. "Was hoping he'd join us."

"Alfonso's been busy as usual," Lorenza reluctantly replied. "He should be getting off early though."

"Don't tell me this ties into the situation outside this galaxy," Lisa remarked. "Nerida, while you were away, Ashan and the United Nations got together and held a joint summit. They were talking about possibly preparing in the event New Generia tries to invade Earth again."

Again? Just the thought of it scared me.

However, even if I was scared, the idea of one day having to deal with the conflict was inevitable. I am the True Princess of Ashan after all. Bound to lead the True Knights, a band of superheroes, into our destinies as those who uphold peace and prosperity to the universe.

I hold the ability to transfigure objects, transfigure myself, transfigure other people, imitate other people, transform materials, and read minds from faraway distances. An array of abilities that my fellow True Knights cannot grasp. Each of us holds a specialty superpower to do multiple. However, it is very unlikely that any one of them will possess my powers.

My sister, Princess Yoshira "Asami" Fujia, is the person behind Infra, the Knight of Matter. A True Knight like myself but with powers to control portions of a planet ranging from a small amount of dirt to the planetary plates. She can start an earthquake or end it. Next to that, she has superhuman strength and can make objects vanish into nothing.

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