Chapter Fourteen (Ashley):

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On the next day, Lexor was summoned to Ashan. His time there was expected to be a month. It was good, because I had the quarters and our bedroom to myself.

No need to avoid glancing at his protruding pecks and washboard abdomen. His slim, muscular physique obviously had attracted enough women for him to forget about me, but he hadn't. When we spent the first night together, I could tell how much she wished to kiss me. To call me his.

But even if I did want to do something devious and cheat on Callisto, I killed my thoughts immediately remembering all of the times Callisto and I enjoyed.

How I made her smile and how lucky I was to have her in my life. The vivacious princess of Ashan chose me of all the various royal choices. She was now the mother of my first child. Before she was it, I had no idea when and if I was ever going to marry.

Her short blue hairstyle, her cyan eyes and the way she smiles whenever she sees me. It could be the middle of a rainy day and she would venture outside and play in the rain. We would dance in the rain, make out in the rain, and take it all the way back up to the penthouse showers. Steamy and satisfying.

I always spent as much time as I could with her each day, but now I cannot see her face. Depression ensued at the thought of it, but I fought hard to remind myself that I would see her again. The sexiest person alive of all people I've encountered in my life.

Where and when did she ever first lay eyes on me? I never could figure it out. As for me, I knew then and there that I might like her, and as the days went by, we spiraled into a relationship. Rescuing Vesta brought us close enough together to where we had fallen in love.

When I was kidnapped by Hades, she joined the True Knights in an effort to rescue me. She gave all of her life to me despite walking away from it all. Could I imagine a world where we were not together and she became the Empress of Ashan after all? No.

I could not even imagine.

Today, I was alone in the Victorian-era style living room with wooden wall panels and a red leather living room set. I sat upright on the sofa awaiting my next meal time. The only time that I could sit and talk with my unit. A security protocol to prevent a unified mutiny according to Lexor before he left.

That was when Queen Minov appeared, smiling at me. Her ghost of course. Short five-foot flat woman with short but light blue hair in an updo and wrinkly cyan eyes. As I looked at here and now, she currently wore a high-neck tunic, making me realize that Yuruca took a lot after her. Just not the eyes, which were big and open wide. Yuruca's were slightly sleepy like Emperor Fujia's.

"Good day my daughter-in-law!" she greeted me. "And I am pleased to bring you good tidings from Earth at least! Despite the horrors of obvious recent events, Callisto has given birth to my latest grandchild, Princess Callisto Asha the Second."

"Thank you, Mom," I replied as she lit up with utmost glee. "It was your daughter's idea."

She laughed. "Why yes! I know my own daughter of course!"

I laughed as well. "You should have seen the look on my face when she insisted."

Ovary extraction is a minimally invasive procedure. For the obvious reason to sterilize, but in other cases it was to control reproduction and even push the events for a later date. I already wanted to be sterilized, so I had no misgivings about that procedure.

That Catalonian reproduction company really did its part if Callisto had a full term. I just wish I got to see what my baby looks like though.

"It's quite alright my dear!" Queen Minov coolly responded to that. "Eartheans are religious beings with ethics and morals of all sorts. Ashanians however, are quite lax based on our elder ancestor's life. Speaking of which, your ancestor Empress Pedonia. She's quite the helper and messenger now that you were here. Much to our shock you're even alive."

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