Chapter Eight (Nerida):

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"Guys guys guys!" I reassured the slew of reporters as I handled a soccer field full of people during a fan and press conference for Ashear. "The entire universe has been upset I know! However, I feel that since Ashley is my biggest mentor, and if she chose to be where she physically is now, there's usually a reason behind it. I know her way too long to contradict anything that she does in life.

"I know the news of my sister's sudden move to Earth has been a shock to al of you as well, but I can reassure you that I received no message from my aunt declaring any bad news. Speaking of my aunt and sister, please do not keep them standing or walking and do not obstruct their way if you run into her. They are expecting babies."

My aunt's first and sister's second. When Asami arrived, I already had the perfect place for her and her family. The Stanwell house. Lorenza and Alfonso already moved out, but much to Lorenza's dismay to Washington DC. She rented an apartment for a few months in Orion as well so she could work on her retirement.

Baratos was behind me along with Angela, who had a tablet out for some reason. Vesta was back at the hotel with Estella conducting executive business. Sara Gene, one of Ashear's artists, held her first concert internationally at Larnaca Soccer Stadium in downtown Nicosia. A first for her and a milestone for Ashear. The tenth artist of ours to perform in Cyprus.

"Now," I continued, "Sara Gene performed beautifully last night as I am aware. Tonight will be her second of three nights. When Ashley auditioned her last year, we realized she held the potential of going far. Not just by voice alone but her skill on the guitar. A charming personality with a tight-knit family behind her all the way makes her even more spectacular.

"When I met her on my first day back to Ashear, she exhibited the ability to surpass many acoustic singers out there. Although, I am an electronic artist, I was taken aback when I heard her tracks. With that I must end this conference by saying this: Father Time, can you please speed up this year so Ashely can come back and I can collab with this artist?"

Everyone laughed, cheered, and whistled. Baratos was laughing. Angela continued to talk into her tablet. I really knew how to stir up this crowd.

As I stepped off the stage of this stadium. Everyone broke out into applause. Luckily, all of the press were normal people without any bit of telepathy. Had they had it, the reactions would have been way different. Inside, I was freaking out.

I hated the fact that the executives at Ashear put me in such a place. Leadership was something I only agreed to do as Imitai. That one was required. This was completely different.

Sadly, that wasn't the only stop. Athens, Greece, was next. Stepping onto the stage of a Greek talk show. Mathus Stannopoulos. Dark skin, black hair, teeth white as snow. A star host meant to have someone like me walk on his stage as he sat behind a glass desk. I took my seat on a bright red couch.

Thankfully, I was smart enough to sport the space age Ashanian businesswoman look. Long-sleeved silver tunic, pencil skirt, and black stilettos. Dressed for success. A first in my lifetime.

"Good evening Mrs. Stanwell," Mateo greeted me with a smile and wink. "How are you doing tonight?"

"Could be better," I replied, "but I'm enjoying this hopefully short era."

"You're a temporary CEO?"

"Imagine that! I signed onto this label to become a popular artist like Ashley. Not to run it! Not like this!"

No shit Sherlock!

"We all know!" The smile on his face faded. "How in the world did you manage to quickly take on such a role after completing a world tour not so long ago?"

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