Chapter Twenty-Two (Nerida):

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When I look back at all the times Lorenza reprimanded me for something, this flew over the magnitude of every time. Her and Alfonso sitting Asami and I down to discuss the repercussions of the invasion didn't cut it.

In contrast, the repercussions of not telling Callisto led to this very confrontation between all of us. At a perfect time too. We didn't change out of our ninja outfits. Taking a deep breath, I called out the appropriate command the True Princess of Ashan could use.

"Joyce, Angela, you two should go," I said, and Angela grabbed Joyce then teleported them out of sight. Estella went poof on her own as well. Vesta however, crossed her arms and shook her head, eying both of us like a hawk about to attack. "you don't have to be here you know."

"I'm related to her too," she objected, looking at Callisto despite the protesting look on her face. "Ashley would kill me if she returned to her wife being behind bars."

"Look who's talking," Callisto fired back. "With your temper being present I would worry more about you."

"Ashley originally chose Nerida. Remember?"


Entertaining as this was, I had no choice but to redirect the attention to myself. "Guys! I'm the one in the hotseat over here!"

Focus was reacquired and the two looked at me.

Crossing her arms, my aunt walked up to me. a tense in appearance stance was taken as she looked directly into my eyes. "Obviously, you kept Ashley's whereabouts hidden from me. Not just you, but my sister-in-law as well."

Vesta scoffed. "I came clean with you. Didn't I?"

"For what reason?" she irately shot back. "We all know that you and I occasionally fight. Worst case being back in the Virtual Realm. How you angrily revealed know...with your sister."

And with that said, they got into yet another quarrel. However, I cut in. "Ladies, this is Japan remember? The walls are not every thick and my neighbors can hear you."

They quieted down then began hissing back and forth as I facepalmed.

"I chose to keep the information from you," I hissed, cutting off that tension and drawing the anger back to me. "That's right. It was my decision as a leader to withhold the information."

"Why?" Callisto demanded, walking up to me, shaking me. "I'm your aunt! Ashley is my wife and Yuruca is my sister! Oh, for Heaven's sake Nerida! Your mother and your idol are in mortal peril yet you choose to keep going like everything is okay!"

"what do you want me to do?" I fired back. "I promised Ashley that I'd take care of Ashear in her absence-"

"I've been taking care of Ashear!"

"Everyone is virtual!"

"I want our executives to return to work!"

Vesta now got in her face. "Nerida did that for a reason other than the fear of another invasion!"

Callisto's face changed to stupefaction. "What? Something happened?"

"Two people were caught having sex in the office," I revealed as she read my thoughts. "Lars and Estella, and I hate keeping secrets, but as Ashear's interim CEO, I had to be really discreet. Especially since our night monitor has been put on a three-month paid leave."

Closing her eyes, Callisto took a deep breath and echoed. She then opened her eyes and skimmed both of us as she revealed her response. "Girls, as the personal assistant to Ashear's current CEO, why didn't you bring this t me sooner? I could have talked to Estella."

A New Dilemma (Imitai Book 8)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz