Chapter Seventeen (Nerida):

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Memories. Left and right. Popping up like at any time out of nowhere.

According to Doctor Suzuwara, I had to remain in the hospital. Even so, I would have Angela teleport in with my work then out if someone were coming or I called it a day. Anything to help Ashley as her temporary replacement.

Saturday arrived, but Doctor Suzuwara extended my hospital stay again.

"I don't like the idea of releasing you," he told me upon my final examination. Eyes staring at me like a hawk as he came to see me in my hospital room. "You have had a series of flashbacks from your early childhood as Yumi Minamoto and not Nerida Stanwell am I correct?"

I nodded.

"Nerida, may I ask you to read what it says on this piece of paper?"

He then showed me his clipboard with large but oddly familiar Japanese letterings on it. Mixed Hiragana and Kanji. Without thinking my memories kicked in and so did my constant studies of it and the translation. Like it was nothing and I had known all along!

"Morning," I replied, and his eyes widened.

"You are not just listed as fluent in understanding Japanese. Let me show you a harder one."

Then came the second word. Next one and so forth...

"High-speed rail. A shinkansen."

"This one!"

"America-gashu koku. United States."


"What? I hit my head and now all my hidden memories have surfaced!"

Just as I said it, I immediately remembered yet another time at the Minamoto mansion. Sousuke II made me stand in his office for some reason. There was a guy. An older gentleman, and he was holding up flash cards of Hiragana characters. I was guessing them all correctly, so he switched his cards to Katakana. Much to my surprise.

"She's ready to learn Kanji," Sousuke II said in plain English, and even I understood what he was saying. "Don't' be scared Yumi."

"She's only three!" Snarled the old man. "Your Highness! No ordinary young child could read like her!"

Which is why I hired you to tutor her before she begins school," Sousuke II coolly replied.

The old man gave him a look. "Very well then, but this child needs to go to a gifted school on the main island of Honshu."

"My wife and I need to discuss it first."

"Very well then. Call me if you are still interested. This one is a scholar."

The old man left, and Yuruca walked in, holding a very young Asami in her arms. "What did he say?"

Sousuke II slumped into his desk, obviously winded by my presentation of knowledge beyond my early years. "He said she's a genius and wants her to attend a boarding school!"

"She's too young! Of course not!"

"You should have seen it! Everything right! Ready for Kanji while girls her age cannot read yet!"

My mother firmly looked in his eyes. "She's not going anywhere. She has my hair. Blue!"

"Sousuke has your hair too, and he still takes a boat to school."

Very much sounds like a couple arguing. Although, I was only remembering. Not actually in this moment.

I regained my focus when Doctor Suzuwara flashed a light in my eye. "Evidence of a Thousand Mile stare. Prompted by the display of Kanji on a paper. Nerida, I will have you continue our little brain escapade tomorrow. You need more rest in order to stabilize your brain."

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