Chapter Six (Ashley):

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I had to get used to the fact that I was now sleeping in a bay of military service members and not at my penthouse with my beloved wife Callisto.

Deployed to oversee joint operations of a new kind directly by a sitting United States president was hardly imaginable. But given the circumstances, sending me off somewhere was inevitable. After all, the threat of New Generia taking Ashan was big, and the next in line could be the Earth.

Over the years following the Generian Invasion, Earth became the jewel of the universe. With Ashan being the way it was, the planet took Earth under its wing. Kind of like the United States and the Philippines. Except there was no temporary takeover. Just a re-stabilization and damage repairs.

No one told me to continue serving as a reserve officer, but I chose to anyway. Following the altercation of my appearance, I became more popular. I needed a break from it, which is why I stayed in. Then people questioned how I was commissioned.

Online college. Commissioning in the military had become different. Following the Pandemic of 2020, ROTC was optional online. However, OCS training -required upon completing college ROTC- had become the only mandatory in-person requirement. It was a grueling eight weeks, but I pulled it off.

No one- not even I- expected to be brought out here. Deployment to another country was rare enough as is. When the whole Earth ran the story, it went all over the place. Ashanian News blared it. Same went for Catalon and Volvon.

My bay consisted of an entire floor of bunk beds. Elevators of two at the center. Large enough for fifteen people. The spherical ship I was on was meant for transporting at least two companies. Since this were joint operations, we were paired with an Ashanian Space force unit the size of a company. They had a high rating in interplanetary relations.

My bunk bed was simple. A ladder at the side by foot. Closet space underneath. No such thing as a bottom bunk despite the name. from what I was told, the sleeping bay was the safest part. Doubled as a bunker, so maybe that's where the name came from.

Just like every other country outside the United States calls soccer football.

I slipped out of my bunk on the morning of May 10. Made my bed before leaving and hurried over to the fitness desk. Near the center of the sphere below the control bay, I found myself with nearly fifty others. All of us wearing the Ashanian Space Force Uniform but with our names and United States military branch at left like any U.S. military uniform.

Today, we had Sergeant First Class Stewart Bates of the United States Army lead us in physical training. He was a tall, slender man with a tough physique. Short, buzzed hair like a person in charge, but with a warm look on his face. "Given our limitations out here, we still have to maintain ourselves. Look to the person to each side of you."

I stood at the back of my formation, centered behind the three platoons. One army, the other navy, and Space Force centered before me. To my left was a tall and skinny United States Space Force First Lieutenant Rebecca Bowles. She assisted me on this experimental mission and was trying to figure out why we were sent out here just like me.

"There is no indicator of whether or not we may see combat out there," Bates continued, "but it is more likely than continued peace time. Which is why we are down here every morning. Physical training is also encouraged during our downtime."

We proceeded to work out at the gym. I sometimes utilized the gym at Ashear, but I made sure that none of my artists were there. My presence sometimes distracted gym goers. Then sometimes our conversations wasted my time.

Not that I was antisocial. Gym time is meant for working out. Otherwise, it is harder to maintain physique and participate in the morning physical training.

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