Chapter Sixteen (Ashley):

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Lexor decided to be lenient on allowing my subordinates into his quarters. I spent afternoons with them just hanging out and talking. Much to my surprise, he even left me a guide to work his television set. And a note in writing that I'm keeping and bringing with me out of this situation.

Madame Asha, please note that you may watch my television and enjoy any of the amenities while staying in my quarters. As long as you and your subordinates remain compliant during your time in New Generia, there will be no problems with them and my father's military. I wish things were different and I could release you now, but we need to work together to help you and your subordinates.

When he left, I flicked on the television set to learn how Earth was reacting. There was absolutely nothing but footage after footage after footage. People fleeing. United Nations delegates rushing into their building and out of it. People working crazy hours nonstop.

Earth was becoming a Federation. United Nations leader Alexander Cortano was voted in as president. Cabinet of this new federation consisted of all the world organizations and jobs, which now mimicked the United States presidential cabinet. All of the news was about the Earths' drastic and hasty shift in politics. National laws were still at thing in each country, but all nations became zones at this point.

As for Yuruca, there was a massive search for her underway in Ashan. Io's Farmhouse didn't make the news thankfully, but they occupied a majority of Ashan City. The other cities did not have much, but there were the main ones. Alta and Lerca were hit pretty good. They were known cities that Empress Pedonia frequented back in her day.

Nerida didn't even make the news that much nor did Ashear, Ashan's branch CEO was hiding. Obviously in his rural childhood far. Then I noticed a harrowing warrant posted. There was a warrant out for the arrest of Miss Io Capris, Vesta's mother.

Other news talked about local things. A charcoal skinned woman was the one who id the announcements. Bright white hair. It made me cringe. The lady had to have been burnt badly.

"Princess Yumi Minamoto has been hospitalized. She is currently in Japan to visit her family. With the shift of Earth's political state, she and Catalonian husband Baratos are unable to travel elsewhere. There is no word on what New Generia's king plans to do in response to the information pouring in."

Of course. Ashan had nearly half of its space force secede to new Generia. Then Catalon and Volvon were badly hit by enemies of their own.

We all have Hyna and Lecro to thank for that. Hades was another guy, but I also needed to figure him out. Following his defeat in the virtual Realm, he was a quadruple amputee. No feet nor hands.

Now we had two big enemies to fight. Lexor and General Mulox were the two people in the enemy hot seat. Our priority was to figure out how to stop them. Since I had an entire unit under me, I couldn't just leave. Had I been a sole survivor, I would have teleported.

Although, I didn't need to be around to fight along with the True Knights. Joyce was beginning to be a chip off my block. Electrical powers causing brownouts locally while the entire Ka-Alongo scratched heads and frequently fixed their generator.

I already knew.

Angela was there to help her. Along with Vesta, who knew me since Lei was just a developing superhero. When we were just sandbox dwellers. Back in the time where Lei was still a little kid trying to figure out her life. One without a mother, who didn't even bother to fight for me. and with a now known to be sinister birth father, who was spart of a mob which killed my boyfriend and first love.

Flicking off the television, I screamed. This was absolutely bad. I had no one to talk to about this. All alone with the horrid memories of my birth father. His misogynistic personality. But why on Earth did they kill Phillip.

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