Being crushed

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Sitting at the table, eating breakfast, I sat there looking at the note I had received yesterday. 

Me: God I'd like to know who made this....

Mom: "Whatchya got there?"

Me: "MOM!"

I almost jumped out of my chair, knocking over my serial bowl. 

Mom: *tisk* "Y/n! Look at what you did."

Me: "Mom, please don't scare me like that!"

I shoved the note in my pocket.

Mom: "Sorry."

She looked at the clock.

Mom: "Are you ready for school?"

Me: "Yeah, just about."

Mom: "Well then hop to it. You don't want to be late."

Me: "When am I ever?"

I stood up and grabbed my bag and Adidas sweatshirt.

Mom: "Don't forget your lunch money!" She said as she flung me an envelope.

Me: "Thanks mom."

Mom: "Don't mention it. Here, get in the car. I'll drive you."

Me: "Okay."

I ran into the garage and hopping into the car.


7 minutes later we arrived at school.

Mom: "Alright Y/n, have a good day."

Me: "Thanks mom, you too."

I got out of the car and pulled out my phone. Brady was calling.

Brady: Where are you?

Me: "I'm right in front of the school. Why?"

Brady: Oh, good. Rodger called in sick today and I was wondering if you were still coming too.

Me: "Yeah, I'm here."

Brady: K. See you in class?

Me: "Yep."

Brady: Cool.

He hung up and I made my way to class.

??? Pov

???: Where is Y/n?

I waited next to my locker in the hallway, scanning the crowd for him. At last, I saw him emerge from the mass of people scattered within the hallway. I watched him as he walked past me. I grabbed my halve skull necklaces and held it, taking a deep breath.

???: I hope he likes me....

Y/n Pov

I went up to my locker and the first thing I saw was a small black piece of paper scotch tapped to it.

Me: Another one...

I took it off my locker and of course opened it.

Dear Y/n...

Hi there. Its me again. I was thinking about you today. I was hoping you'd be interested in meeting me, in person. I know I'd like that. If you want to, we could meet today at this address today at 6:30 Pm.

There, below the text was an address listed. 

Unless, of course, you'd prefer to wait. If so, I can wait, but If you choose to meet, I'll see you there.

Best friends (Female Lycanroc/Mightyenna x male human reader)Where stories live. Discover now