Just couldn't resist. (LEMON)

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Rachael Pov

I woke up to the light of the sun shining through the windows. There were a few crows in a nearby tree, causing all sorts of ruckus. Yawning, I sat up and looked about me. Y/n was still laying beside me on his stomach, asleep. I threw my arms up and stretched. When I was done, I fell backwards on the bed, stirring Y/n. He slowly opened his eyes.

Y/n: *Yawn* "What was that?"

Rachael: "Oh, nothing...I was just stretching."

Y/n: "What time is it?"

I looked at the clock.

Rachael: "Its like 6:30."

He mumbled something and then pushed himself up.

Rachael: "Where do you think your going?"

Y/n Pov

Me: "Three words: Out, of, bed."

Rachael: "One word: NO."

Me: "Yes."

I tried to sit up, but she quickly put halve a body on me, pushing me down.

Me: "Rachael please?"

Rachael: "You seriously want to get up at 6:30 in the morning on a week end?"

Me: "I have homework."

Rachael: "And what am I? Chop liver?"

Me: "If I say No, will you let me up?"

Rachael: "No."

There was a moment of silence.

Me: "....what if I say yes?"

Rachael: "Y/n!"

Me: "Fine, fine. I'm guess it is a little early..."

She faced me and looked me in the eyes.

Rachael: "Good morning."

Me: "Good morning."

She then leaned in for a kiss, making no room for me to pull away. My heart fluttered as she continued, lapping my lips with hers. I put my arms around her waist as her thighs collapsed on top of mine. I felt the softness of her fur against my chest and legs, giving me the want to cuddle her even more. Moving one arm from her waist to her back, I tightened my hugging of her. She moaned softly and wrapped her arms around my head, forcing my face closer to her's. She parted from my lips momentarily to speak. 

Rachael: "I'm soft aren't I?" She said, sticking her tongue out playfully. 

I blushed heavily, but answered honestly.

Me: "Y-yeah."

Rachael: "Good..."

She brought me into another deep kiss. I brought my left hand from her waist to the back of her head, petting her softly. She gave a quiet moan and pulled away.

Rachael: "Don't be so decent Y/n...you can be a little naughty around me."

She took my arm that was around her waist and put it to her butt. Smiling through her kisses, I grabbed it.

Rachael Pov

Rachael: Mmmm...there we go...

And that's when I lost control over my mind, letting lewd thoughts take over.

Rachael: "That's it Y/n. Go ahead and give me a squeeze."

He brought his hand from the back of my head down to my butt also, grabbing me with even more force, thus receiving a nice satisfied moan from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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