The love of another.

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Becka Pov

I watched them, sitting there at the table. All emotion left me. I just stood there with my tray, staring. She then pulled him into a hug, and he tried to get out of it. But Y/n soon stopped resisting and let her hug him. A feeling of jealousy came over me as I continued to watch.

Becka: Rachael... 

I gave a low growl.

Becka: ...What the HELL!? I just got in with Y/n and now that damn Lycanroc is back!? You can't just come back to Y/n and take him away from me!

I almost felt like walking over there and screaming at her, but I stopped myself. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the negative emotion to the back of my mind, holding it back.

Becka: Lets just keep it cool...                              ....for now. 

I took a seat on the other side of the cafeteria and peacefully ate my food. 

Rachael Pov

Rachael: "Y/n..."

Me: "Yeah?"

Rachael: "...why did you shut me off like you did?"

Me: "Uh..."

Rachael: "Please tell me, I want to know what I did wrong or..."

Me: "What? No. You didn't do anything wrong."

Rachael: "Then why!? What happened?"

He paused, then leaned in.

Me: "You promise you won't tell anyone."

I looked at him weird.

Rachael: "Of course."

Me: "Okay...a couple weeks ago Jason came up to me at lunch. Instead of beating me to a pulp though, he made me an offer."

Rachael: "What? What is that supposed to mean?"

Me: "Just let me finish. He said that If I stopped talking to you, seeing, being friends and etc, he would stop bullying me. And I...liked the sound of it..."

A hateful fuse lit within me, and its flame began to grow. 

Me: "...I ended up trading you for what seemed to be an easier high school life, but I was wrong, and I'm sorry."

I stood up without thinking.

Rachael: That bastard! This is why Y/n did this!? I knew Jason was a dick, but this!? All this pointless drama, for what?! Because Jason wants to screw me!? That son of a bitch!

I didn't notice Y/n looking at me concerned.

Me: "Are you okay?"

I quickly wiped the look of my face.

Rachael: "Y-yeah I fine. Just thinking about something."

Me: "You sure? You look pretty aggravated. Are you still mad? Look I'm really sorry for..."

Rachael: "No I'm not mad at you. I'm just thinking about something. It's not important though. Whats important is that this is all behind us now. We're all good right?"

He paused, then smiled lightly.

Me: "All good."

I hugged him again, right before the bell rang. We both stood up and took our trays to the counter where they were collected.

Rachael: "See you after school I guess."

Me: "Yes, see you after school."

And then we left for our classes.

Best friends (Female Lycanroc/Mightyenna x male human reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin