Pretend Friends

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Me: This is worse then the actual school. HOMEWORK.

The worse part of the night, the 2-3 hours of homework. The thing was it wasn't hard, it just took a really really really long time.

Me: Why does this have to take so gosh damn long? What a waste of time. 


My phone got a notification. 

Me: I thought I silenced that...

The notification was a text, and it was from, guess who, Rachael.

I picked it up to text back, but then the thought of Jason's deal swung into my head.

Me: It's better this way.

Rachael Pov

I text him and wait. A small speech bubble appears as if he's going to text back, but then vanishes, leaving me with no reply. 

Rachael: Why won't he just talk to me? We're friends right? Is he just embarrassed about that one night?

Rachael: Hey y/n. You there?

No reply.

Rachael: Y/n?

No reply.

Rachael: Y/n are you okay?

Still no reply.

Rachael: Maybe his phone died. Yeah, or maybe its not working. Yeah that's probably why.

But no matter what told myself, I couldn't shake the sinking feeling that he simply wasn't talking to me, and my heart burned at the thought.

Rachael: Maybe its something I said? What could I have done to deserve shunning?

Y/n and I haven't talked in days. At first it didn't bother me, but then he stopped answering my texts and now I can't even find him in school. I know its only been a week since we last saw each other, yet still, I missed him.

Y/n Pov

My second train of thought was making it hard to think about homework. I honestly didn't want to stop all contact with Rachael, but if there was anything remotely good about Jason, its that he never lies, which means IF I stop contact with Rachael....

Me: My school days will be SO much easier.

But with my mind set on the prize, I couldn't ignore the cost.

Me: But what about Rachael?

The thought of her brought sadness. 

Me: She's probably the nicest senior in our school, and for being so nice to me, THIS is how I repay her?

Feeling kinda guilty, I opened my phone and began to text her.

Me: "It's not like Jason's gonna find out. How would he!?"

Rachael Pov

My phone vibrated within my pocket. Lazzily, I dragged it out of my pocket and looked at the glowing screen. 

Rachael: OH MY GOD! Its a text from Y/n!

Me: Heyyyyyy

Rachael: So....         ....wanna tell me why your ghosting me?

Me: ...

Me: No reason. Just haven't been using my phone latly.

Rachael: Uhhuh. Surrrre.


Rachael: Hey. Chill. I'm just playin.

Me: Oh.

Rachael: So, how ya been. 

Me: Oh, just fine. You.

Rachael: Good. Hey, do you wanna hang out?

Me: Uhh, maybe not right now. Kinda busy...

Me: ...with school.

Rachael: All the more reason to hang out. I can help you.

Me: No I'm good. 

Rachael: Why not?

I could almost feel his nervousness through the texts.

Me: It's probably not school you would like. And my mom also doesn't want anyone over right now.

Rachael: We could meet somewhere.

Y/n Pov

Me:  Damn it, RACHAEL! It's like I'm in a word battle...           ....and she's winning.

Me: No thanks Rachael. Also, I think I maybe, kinda sorta, am coming down with something. I think I'm sick. 

Rachael: Are you just making up random excuses NOT to hangout with me?

Me: If I say yes, will you kill me.

Rachael: If I say I won't, will you say yes?

Me: No.

Rachael: Then I will. 

Me: Please don't.

Rachael: Then tell me why you're avoiding me.

 Me: I'm not. 

Rachael: Then why can't I find or talk to you anymore? I never see you at school, you always seem to be busy, and now your not even texting me anymore!

Me: Well I have other things to do, and I don't need your constant talking. 

Rachael: CONSTANT TALKING!? The only reason why I've been talking to you so much is because YOU DON'T TALK BACK! How much energy does it take you to LIFT UP YOUR PHONE AND TEXT SOMEONE.

Me: Do you actually expect me to talk to you all day long!? 



Me: That sounded more like Jason speaking for me then myself.

Rachael: FINE! You know what? If you just don't want to talk anymore That's fine. I Don't CARE!

Me: FINE WITH ME! We don't have to talk! We don't have to be friends!

Rachael: FINE!


I then deleted her contact off my phone and threw it on the ground. Putting my hands on my face for what looked like a 'double face palm', I took a nice, deep breath.

Me: "Well that was kinda hell on earth...                        ....just like it happens in the movies and random stories people read off line."

: D

Rachael Pov

I deleted his contact and, as I put my phone down, I started crying.

Rachael: "I hate this...." I said through tears.

Rachael: "...what did I do wrong?"

I lay down and quickly accepted that Y/n and I weren't going to be seeing much of each other anymore. 

Rachael: Then I guess its all settled. We're not friends. 

OH MY GOSH GUYS. I'M SOOOOOOOOOO sorry this took so long to get out and I'm also sorry its a little short. I did this story in between me switching from my old crome OS to my new Windows 10 (If you didn't see the announcement I sent out). This little computer conversion is still undergoing as I'm having to deal with a few hacking and internet problems. Again. Sorry for this being so late. I know some of you out there actually enjoy this story, and you have no idea how good that makes me feel. I'm sorry if the chapter is a bit frizzy (If there are a lot of typos), as I have not had time to edit. I would have my friend Johnny help edit, but he is away in Indiana with his dad until January 3rd. The reason I'm telling you this is because he is makes litterally HALVE of the word edits and does a GREAT job of cleaning up what I write. I have not givin him the credit he deserves, until now. Johnny, if your reading this, I just want you to know, that my writing would be a wreck without you. Hope you guys liked the chapt. See you in the next one : D

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