For the Worse

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The day started like any other early autumn day. The sun was shining.  The birds were making all this ruckus outside my window. It was a perfectly unremarkable day. I got up, got dressed, brushed my teach, and hopped downstairs. Me, Brady and Rodger had stayed up until 1:00 in the morning playing Cod. I met mom downstairs. 

Me: "Good morning mom."

Mom: "Good morning. You didn't come home until like 1:30. Where were you?"

Me: "I was at Brady's playing games."

Mom: "Okay, but next time, tell me when your going to do that. I was a little worried."

Me: "Sorry mom."

Mom: "Its okay. I made you breakfast." She said, looking at a small pile of pancakes she made me. 

Me: "Thanks mom."

Mom: "No problem. Are you ready for school?"

Me: "For the most part."

Mom: "Good, now eat up and be on your way."


When I finished eating, I said goodbye and left for school. On the way to school I got a text.

???: Just makin sure this is the right number.

Me: Who is this?

Rachael: Rachael, from school?

Me: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't put your name in yet.

Rachael: Well as do I for you.

I was gonna put my phone in my pocket and play some more music, but she texted again.

Rachael: I'm sorry If I it was a bit odd asking you for your phone number yesterday. You looked a bit flustered. 

Me: Oh, don't worry. I didn't think anything of it. 

Rachael: Okay good.

I then put my phone in my pocket and started listening to random music. I made it to school on time to see that I got there before both Brady and Rodger. I desided to go straight to my locker. 

Jason: "Hey!"

I flinched to the familiar voice. I turned to see Jason and his friends, staring at me intently. 

Me: Can I at least put my headphones away?

Jason: "You musta thought you were pretty funny stuff yesterday huh? Well, let me tell you, it WON'T happen again."

One of his friends grabbed my shoulders and threw me against the locker, agitating me. 

Me: "Damn it Jason, just leave me alone!"

Jason: "So you still think your as tough as you were yesterday eh? Don't worry, I can fix that."

As his friend (friend 1) held me still, he smashed my shin with it foot, and began to repetitively punch me in the stomach. 

Rodger: "Let him go!"

Rodger tried to approach, but one of Jason's other friends (friend 2) threw Rodger to the ground. 

After he was finished beating most of it out of me, he finished with a nice knock in the face.

Jason: "Think your tough now?"

Me: "Y-you know what? Yeah! I-I do. You can't beat it out of me this time. I'm done."

Jason tried to punch me square in the face, but I tilted my head and let him punch the metal locker behind me, putting a dent in the locker.

Jason: GAHH! You little son of a bitch!"

Kicking friend 1 in the knee, he lost his grip on me and dropped. I swung at Jason, who was still in shock from hitting the Locker, and hit him in the right side of the head. Rodger tackled friend 2 and grabbed my hand and we bolted. 

Jason: "Kill that kid!" 

We ran down the hallway and turned the corner.

Rodger: "Oh schmuck, oh schmuck, oh schmuck."

Jason and his friends tailed us closely. 

Friend 2: "Get back here you little fricks."

I stopped abruptly, too abrupt for them to stop in time. I quickly punched Friend 1. But I didn't see Jason in time to dodge, and he hit me square in the jaw. I fell to the ground and he jumped on top of me. 

Jason: "Now your gonna get the beating you deserve."

Principle: "STOP!"

Just as Jason was about to punch me to death, Brady, the Principle, and school security guard, showed up just in time.

Jason: "Oh COME ON!"

Me: Oh thank god...

Principle: "Jason Welk, In my office, NOW!"

Jason: "Yes m-mam."

He got off me, and with one last look of scorn, the guard and Principle escorted him and his friends to the principle's office.  Rodger and I then looked to Brady, who had a light grin on his face.

Me: "Took you long enough."

Brady: "Well I could have taken longer, but I didn't get here until like 3 minutes ago."

Rodger: "Where were you!?"

Brady: "Eating a late breakfast."

Me and Rodger sighed, releaved.  

Rodger: "Well you have good timing. Y/n was about to get KILLED."

Me: "Pfft basically!" I laughed.


After spent most of school 'working things out' with Jason, Jason got suspended from school for a week. I then went to the rest of my remaining classes and went home. I sat at the desk I had in my room messing around on my phone. The rest of the day went as boringly as expected. Later that night I came home, finished what homework i could and then went to bed early. Little did I know how great the next week was going to be without Jason. 

Sorry this chapter was a little short and wasn't as progressive. I just wanted to make an excuse to get Jason out of the picture for a little while. Hope you enjoyed ; ) I shall publish the next chapter 'For the better' soon....

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