Unexpected Detour

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"What do you mean it wasn't you?" Sam asked. He was doing his best to keep his head. Rowena frustrated him and knew how to push his buttons. 

"It's a simple answer really," she began with a shrug of her shoulders. 

"Well!" snapped Dean when she didn't continue.

"Hold yer horses boy. It's called dramatic effect," Rowena scolded.

"Look," interrupted Krissy. "I hate to break this up before we have an answer but we've got to get out of here. The cops have got to be itching to investigate the story I spun and I don't think crowd control will keep them downstairs much longer."

Sam sighed, "she's right we need to get out of here."

"How?" Ben asked, "we can't just waltz out the front door."

"No," answered Rowena then pointed to a corner of the room. "But there is a private entrance for the hired help just over there."

Sam looked to Dean and he nodded then he reached into his tux and grabbed a pair of handcuffs out of the inside pocket. He had them latched around Rowena's wrists quickly before she could protest. Sam knew it wouldn't stop her though.

"You've got to be kidding," she hissed then began to pout. "I'm being treated like a common criminal when I haven't done a thing. I thought you knew me better than this Samuel."

"Let's get out of here," Dean said ignoring the witch.

Sam gripped her arm gently and pulled her along. He knew she would make a scene if he tried to drag her or grabbed her too hard.

 Once they piled onto the elevator and the doors were shut Krissy pressed the button for the garage and it started to descend.

"So, Ben, was it?" Rowena inquired from the back corner of the elevator.

Ben looked back at her nodded his head then turned back around. 

"Does you're mother know you run around with these ruffians?" She asked.

Sam shook his head at her and moved his hand back and forth at his neck to try and get her to stop talking. It was too late though, both Dean and Ben stiffened at her question.

Ben cleared his throat and answered without turning around, "she's dead."

"Oh! You poor lad!" Rowena exclaimed, "I lost my son recently. If you need a shoulder to cry on auntie Rowena is here for you." 

"Thanks," Ben mumbled.

Sam watched Krissy reach around and rub Ben's back. Ben's shoulders slacked as he relaxed into her touch. He turned to look at Dean who looked as if he had been staring at his brother silently trying to get his attention.

"Auntie Rowena?" Dean mouthed to him. Sam didn't have a response so he shrugged his shoulders.

Thankfully the elevator chimed and the door opened.


"Explain," demanded Dean.

They had made it back to the hotel and all piled into Sam and Dean's room. Rowena sat in a chair in the middle of the room with the hunters surrounding her.

"Okay, okay, no need to strong-arm me," she said with a roll of her eyes. "It was a shape-shifter."

"But that doesn't explain the magic," said Dean.

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