Learn To Swerve

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Aiden smiled as he reached Jack's room and knocked on the open door.

"Good morning," Jack said with a smile.

"We didn't get properly introduced last night, I'm Aiden."

"Hello Aiden, I'm Jack!"

"So, you're the kid Dean kept huh?" Aiden asked.

"I don't..." Jack tilted his head to the side. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You didn't hear the fight last night?" Aiden asked. "Your dad and brother got into it pretty hot last night."

"Dad...brother?" Jack asked in confusion. "I don't have a brother."

Aiden rolled his eyes his annoyance was starting to show as he huffed "Dean... Ben."

"Oh!" Jack smiled and shook his head. "Dean isn't my father, he's just helping raise me."

"Raise you..." it was Aiden's turn to be confused. "Aren't you already all grown up? Why would he be helping raise you?"

"No, I'm only eight months old," Jack said nonchalantly.

"What! but how..."

"Castiel is my father," Jack said proudly. "If you want to get specific though, Lucifer did sleep with my mother to create me. But Castiel is the father my mother chose for me, that I choose for myself."

"You... you're the spawn of Satan?" Aiden stuttered.

"Aiden!" Josephine scolded and smacked him in the back of the head as she walked by. "That's not nice!"

Aiden turned and glared at her back as she walked away. Jack's laugh drew his attention back to the boy in the room.

"She's funny," Jack said.

"Hillarious," Aiden Muttered. "Anyway, so you're still all shiny and new to our world?"

"Yes," Jack nodded happily. "It's great to meet new people too."

"Hey, Jack," Aiden's smile grew dark. "Do you know what a douche bag is?"


"So, Jack is a nephilum?" Krissy asked.

"Yup," Sam said. "He's coming along really well too. Although he's been in the apocalypse world for the last few months."

"Wow," Ben laid his head down on the table and groaned. "It's too early for all this information."

"Good morning," Josephine said as she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning," smiled Mary from the stove. "You're just in time for pancakes."

Slowly the remaining members of the team began to trickle in. Aiden entered with a smug smile on his face, while Dean shuffled in and went straight for the coffee pot.

"Jim or Jose?" Sam asked Dean when he sat down at the table.

"Jack," Dean mumbled.

"Yes?" Jack smiled.

"The other Jack, Jack," Sam responded.

"There's another Jack?" Jack looked around the room. "But I thought..."

"No, not," Sam interrupted. 

Dean snickered behind his coffee cup.

"Jack, as in Jack Daniels," Sam explained. "The alcohol."

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