Blown Gasket

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"Name?" the mammoth of a man standing to the entrance of the party asked.

"Stark, Natalie Stark," Krissy answered.

The door guard took a moment to look at the tablet in his hand. After a second of scrolling, he nodded his head.

"That must make you lot Anthony, James, and Bluto," he said looking up at the group.

"Anthony," Ben said quickly with a nod of his head.

"James," Sam said about the same time as Ben holding up a hand.

Dean pouted and nodded to the big man, "I'm Bluto."

They were ushered inside the elaborate ballroom.

"Looks like some rich douche bag threw his wealth around," Dean commented. "Oh, and for future endeavors, I  call the Tony Stark alias."

Ben snickered, "Sure think Bluto."

Dean smacked him in the back of his head as he walked by. 

Ben flinched forward from the contact then rubbed the back of his head, "Is this gonna be a regular thing? I need to know if I should worry about brain damage."

"Dean quit being a poor sport," Krissy said with a sigh.

"Alright guys," Sam said quickly cutting off Dean's response. "Let's split up, since Dean and I know what Rowena looks like I suggest Krissy and Dean go one way than Ben and I go the other."

"Why do you always get the kid?" Dean asked.

"Because you two are still new to this father-son thing and still have a bit of built-up tension," Krissy answered for Sam. 

"Fine," Dean held out his elbow to Krissy, "Shall we?"

 Krissy took his arm and blew a kiss to Ben as they walked away.

Ben turned his attention to Sam, "Alright what are we looking for?"

 "Short, red hair, looks to be in her late thirties and will have gathered a small crowd," answered Sam, "Rowena likes to be the center of attention."

The two of them made their way further into the party. Ben kept his eyes open for a woman fitting the description given to him by his uncle. He made sure to pay close attention to the small groups clustered together, but half an hour has gone by and they'd had had no luck.

"There are too many people here," Ben said to Sam.

"She knows we're here. She's staying secluded until the most opportune time," Sam replied.

"How do you know?"

"Just a hunch," Sam says while looking around.

"Are you sure we're at the right..."

Ben's question was cut off by a high pitched shriek. He shared a look with Sam and they both began pushing through the growing crowd. When he made it to the scene he spotted a petite redhead, just as Sam described, with a woman on the floor in front of her. Rowena had her by the hair and had her head pulled back making eye contact with her. 

The woman on the floor began begging for mercy. Rowena chuckled lightly then leaned down to whisper something in her ear.

"Rowena," Sam called out interrupting the scene, "let her go."

She turned towards him with an elegance that mesmerized Ben. 

"Samuel Winchester," Rowena said slowly enunciating each syllable of his name. "What a surprise, dear. I wasn't expecting you."

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