Stiff Suspension

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Krissy stood in the doorway of the room Sam told Ben he could crash in. She leaned her side against the cold metal that framed the hole and just watched. Her eyes followed him as he paced the floor muttering under his breath, a habit she's come to associate with him being annoyed and not approachable. She watched as he became more agitated, his shoulders tensed before he let out what could only be explained as a growl as he punched the closet door. Krissy jumped a bit in shock as his fist caved through the hollow dark paneled plywood of the door. 

"Feel better?" She asked then sighed as he turned to glare at her. Krissy rolled her eyes when she spotted blood trickling down his fingers slowly. She pushed off the doorway and walked over to his pack that laid on the floor at the foot of his bed. Squatting down beside it she retrieved the first aid kit they all traveled with (safety first you know!) As she stood she tossed it at him. "Clean yourself up."

Krissy watched him catch the box but beyond that he did nothing. The red liquid had reached the tips of his fingers, it collected for a few moments then fell to the floor creating red polka dots on the hardwood. "Stop being stubborn Ben clean up your hand already," her eyes followed him as he moved to the bed, instead of sitting down like she assumed he would Ben plopped himself across it. Laying with his head merely inches from falling off the opposite side of his feet,  allowing the kit to land next to him. 

When he lifted his hands to grip his hair Krissy winced, it's not like he wasn't already a mess. Dean hadn't given them any time to change or clean up since the hunt, so just adding more to his dirty hair wasn't a big deal to him. She caved, she always does, moving to place herself on his right side "alright hand it over." Krissy leaned over him to grab the plastic white case and pull out what she needed to clean and wrap her boyfriends' knuckles.

"How you doing Benji?"

"I'm fine," he mumbled.

"Oh yeah," She lifted the hand she was putting butterfly strips on. "You're doing phenomenal."

"I don't want to talk about it, Kris."

"Too bad," she let go of his hand and began picking up the mess around her. "You need a more recreational way to control your temper, I'm tired of patching up your hands."

**September 2015**

"Do you wanna tell me why you put your hand through a window?" Krissy asked softly.

"No," Ben mumbled then winced as she pulled a small sliver of glass from his knuckle.

"Okay," She nodded her head and dug the tweezer a bit harder into his hand than necessary.

"OW!" Ben snatched his hand back, "What the hell Krissy."

"Oh, did that hurt?" Her sarcastic tone was thick "My bad."

She reached back out for his hand and he shook his head, "give me your hand Ben otherwise we will have to go to the hospital and they will need to contact a parent. We both know how that will turn out."

A moment of silence passed between them until he held his hand out for her to take.

"Aiden," Ben said with a sigh.

"Doesn't surprise me," Krissy mumbled as she concentrated on Ben's hand making sure she had got every last piece of the window that was embedded into his hand.

"He accused me of being a poser," Ben said.

"A Wha... wait," Krissy shook her head and looked up at him. "Why the hell would he say something like that?"

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