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"One of these days I'm not going to understand what you're trying to say to me when you nod your head."

"Yeah, but it's not today!"

Sam just shook his head. "Alright, so I got a good look at their map, we should be coming to a fork in the path soon, then we go right."

After a few minutes of walking the brothers reach a three-way split.

"Was that a salad fork you were referring to?" asked Dean.

"This isn't right," Sam said as he looked around for a sign for which way to go.

"You said it showed right so we go right," Dean commented and started walking to the path on the right side of them.

A blood-curdling scream broke the silence of the forest, "Left!" Dean amended "we go left!" 

He pivoted around quickly and began to run, Sam hot on his heels. In no time they approached an abandoned tool shed hidden by broken tree branches and what appeared to be camping blankets. Dean motioned to Sam that he was going to go around to the left, his brother nodded his head to confirm that he should go the other way. Dean kept his steps light so not to disturb the foliage that lay dying on the forest floor. The door to the shed hung open as he got closer he noticed a dim light, Dean quickly surveyed the area around and behind him before entering the shed. 

The inside was dark and damp, Dean gagged quietly and covered his face with the collar of his t-shirt until he could get used to the smell of rotting flesh.  The dim light Dean saw appeared to be coming from the bottom of an out of place staircase. "what the hell?" he thought to himself, he shook his head as the pungent odor began to sting his eyes. "Here goes," he thought as he slipped as quietly as possible down the staircase. 

Five steps down his ankle was grabbed from the side and yanked. As he fell he dropped his machete on the staircase. Before he could pick himself back up and snag his weapon his ankle was tugged again only he was being dragged down the stairs. Dean tried to scramble back to his big knife but failed so used his body weight against his attacker and pushed himself off the staircase, as he fell back and down he landed on top of the assailant. 

Dean stood up and quickly assessed the situation. One guy on the floor, another next to an unconscious woman tied to a chair, and one more hammering towards him.  Dean 'oof'd' when the guys shoulder collided with his gut knocking him back a few steps. He used the two-second distance to grip his hands together and bring them down hard on the back of his assailants head at the same time he brought his knee up into the guy's nose breaking the cartilage and getting blood down the front of Deans Jean clad leg.

"Man I just got these clean," Dean snarled. The guy on the floor at his feet rolled over and hissed at him baring his teeth at  Dean "yup, definitely vampires."

He stepped back as the monster jumped up to ready itself to attack him again, while its partners made their way towards them. "Come on guys really," Dean scoffed and motioned between them as a distraction so he could take tiny steps towards the stairs. "Three on one? Well, that's hardly fair."

Their response was to all attack at once, Dean was counting on this he reached above him and held on to the handrail of the staircase, pulling himself up onto the wooden contraption kicking a vampire in the face while he was at it. He turned around and grabbed his machete then spun back just in time to slash off one of the monster's heads. He jumped over the body and swung the blade again barely missing one of the two that were left.

Dean took backward steps keeping his blade out in front of him, reaching the girl he nudged her gently with his hip "Hey sweetheart time to wake up I'm taking you home."

The vampire closest to him laughed.

"Something funny chuckles?"

"You're too late," he smiled at Dean. "She's already dead."

Dean narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw, he took the machete with both hands pulled it back and delivered the perfect baseball swing at the vamps head. The slight squish as the sharp piece of iron met its target is all that was heard in the room. The last in the group didn't waste his time and attacked Dean before he could pull his arm back again. His grip loosened on the blade but he held on tight this time. The monster got a few punches in before Dean delivered a nice uppercut to the guy's Jaw.

The tango continued between them until Dean received a gut punch that knocked the wind out of him. The vamp snatched Dean up by his throat and held him against the wall, the machete long lost somewhere in their battle. He clawed at the hand crushing his esophagus.

"Any last words?" the monster hissed.

Dean opened his mouth to make a smartass remark when the hand around his neck slacked, he looked bewildered as he gasped for oxygen and the vampires head ever so slowly slid off its body which then crumbled to the ground. Dean looked up to see a smirking kid standing there with his machete in hand.

"Sup pops."

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