Pedal To The Floorboard

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"Pop the hood!" Dean said as he made his way toward Ben's car.

"Um, why?" Ben asked cautiously.

"Because I wanna know how this piece of crap beat my Baby." 

"Hey!" Ben said, "Just because you're a shitty racer does not mean Cami is a piece of crap."

"I am not a shitty driver," Dean said while pointing to himself. "I may be a sore loser sometimes but not a shit Driver."

Ben chuckled "I said shitty racer, not driver."

"It's the same thing, Ben quit dicking around and pop the hood," Dean motioned with his hands for him to hurry up.

"Suit yourself old man," Ben sighed while opening the driver side door and pulling the hood handle.

Dean unlatched the hood from its inner lever and lifted "shit," he mumbled. He felt Ben join him at his side as he looked over the engine "this is beautiful, very nicely maintained."

"Yeah well, once upon a time I had someone who gave a damn enough to teach me," Ben responded quietly keeping his eyes on the block in front of him.

Dean grimaced "I deserved that."

Krissy appeared at the side of the car before Ben could respond, "You two done with the penis contest?"

Dean closed the hood, "I want a rematch."

She sighed "apparently not."

"Fine," Ben started, Dean smiled and rubbed his hands together in anticipation as he headed towards Baby. "But I get to drive Baby."

"Whoa no," Dean said twirling on his heal. "No not No, HELL NO not happening kid."

"What's the problem Dean?" Aiden instigated.

"Yeah," Sam chimed in. "What's the problem Dean?"

"Can't handle a stick?" Josephine asked.

Dean looked at her like she had three heads.

"Look, Dean, I get it. Baby is as important to you, as Cami is to me," Ben said. "Ask Krissy, if it came down to her or the car I would choose my car one hundred percent of the time." 

Krissy rolled her eyes and ignored the comment, they both knew that wasn't actually going to happen.

"Exhibit D why your punk ass doesn't deserve her," Aiden snapped.

"YOU really wanna do this right now fuck face," Ben snapped at him holding his arms wide open. "I'll let you get one swing free."

"Hey, hey, hey," Dean rushed to Ben as Sam moved to block Aiden. "Whoa! Alright, now that's enough!"

"How have you two been hunting together for so long and still have all this animosity," Sam asked.

"We used to be alright," snapped Aiden. "Then he decided to talk Krissy into..."

"Will you just grow up already!" Krissy snapped looking between the two. "I'm not a piece of meat in a dog fight. So how about you both quit being stupid. Aiden it is none of your damn business you lost any right to have an opinion in what I do with my life three and a half years ago. Now, are you two going to race because I'm tired and ready to get on the road."

"She's scary," Dean mumbled.

"Yeah," Ben nodded in agreement then smirked. "But it's hot."

Dean made a gagging noise and tossed his keys to his son... 'still not used to that' he thought, catching a pair in return.

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