Flip A Bitch

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Three days...

"Greenville, Michigan?"

Krissy rolled her eyes "yes Aiden, Greenville, Michigan."

"What would be going on in Greenville, Michigan?" Aiden Glass asked.

"I don't know Aiden what was a Nachzehrer doing in Chicago?" snapped Krissy. "Do I look like the leading expert what monsters do and why? All I do know is three people have gone missing, one of which was found with its chest cavity ripped open."

Josephine Barnes sighed and rubbed her temples "Krissy's right Aiden we need to check this out."

"Why us?" he questioned. "We literally just finished a hunt six hours ago and you're both ready for another."

"Because we're the closest, you twit."

"How would you know?"

"These people haven't all gone missing in one day Aiden," Josephine tried while flipping through the articles on a tablet, her tone much more docile in attempt to defuse the situation. "If another hunter were on this the last victim wouldn't have gone missing."

"Fine," Aiden growled, "but we're taking a break right after."

Josephine shook her head as she watched Aiden stomp off to their SUV.


Two Days...

"Alright, from what I swiped from the police station," began Aiden. "It looks like the victims disappeared from their homes Darius Gibson, Alyson King and Jordan Donovan. They found the first guy, Darius Gibson, In the woods crime scene photos are brutal."

Aiden passed the pictures from the file to the ladies across from him.

"This M.O. almost screams werewolf," Josephine commented.

"These claw marks are too small though," noted Krissy.

"The autopsy report," began Aiden. "Indicates the sternum was caved in, almost like it took a few times beating its victim's chest."

Krissy shook her head "so either we're looking for a newborn or a weak version of a werewolf."

"I need to think," Josephine sighed dropping the photo in her hand. "Kris, up for a run? We can check out the wooded area where the first body was found."

"I'm in!"

"I'll stick around, look through the lore," said Aiden as he examined the reports, hoping something would jump out at him.

"So I mapped out a path that should take us to the round about area of where Darius was found," Josephine said once the two of them were headed out. "There's a trail about five minutes from here that leads back behind the pond, seems like a good place to start the search."

"That's great."

"What's up, Kris?"

"Do you think we're doing too much?" she asked with a sigh.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean Aiden is ready to take a break," she began. "But I feel like we just got back from vacation."

Josephine laughed.


"Only you would consider hunting a Siren a vacation."

"It started out as a vacation," Krissy argued. "I can't help it, Aiden, thought it would be fun to pick up a monster at a bar."

Josephine sighed, "Krissy he's said..."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," sighed Krissy."We should be right around the dump area of the first victim right."

"Yeah, the police still have the area taped off up here on the right."

"You mean after the body lying in the middle of the trail."

Krissy sighed as they jogged further down the trail. "Looks like we found Alyson King."

Josephine looked around for any sign of activity as Krissy Squatted down next to the disfigured female body.

"Mmm," Krissy turned her head away. "She's been here for a bit."

"Yeah, there's no obvious ruffage folds or drag marks that indicate which direction she came from," Josephine said as she knelt down on the other side. "I'm gonna get some pictures before we call it in, that way Aiden doesn't have to slip back into the P.D."

"Make sure you get a close up right here on her hip," Krissy indicated with her finger."Is that a bite mark?"

The steady fall of feet hitting the ground drew their attention from the body.

"Shit, someone's coming."

"I got this," Krissy said standing up. "Get what we need."

"Got it," Josephine said as Krissy ran towards the oncoming runner.

Krissy got at least ten feet away when she saw him, he seemed distracted so he didn't notice her until she threw her shoulder into his side and toppled the both of them over.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

She heard him laugh as they both scrambled to stand up. "I mean it I can't believe I did that I really am so...whoa" Krissy paled, why the hell was she looking at this guy who appeared to be a young Dean Winchester.

"It's alright really," He smiled as he stood up.

"Geez, how tall are you?" She mumbled.

The guy laughed, "six one last time I checked, are you okay?"

"Oh my god" her face turned bright red "I didn't mean to ask that out loud!"

'Way to go Kris, look like a total spaz!' she scolded herself.

"It's fine really," He reassured her.

She cleared her throat and straightened herself out "hi, I'm Krissy Chambers and I really am sorry for taking you down like that."

"Ben Braeden, and it's okay honestly. You can make it up to me with dinner tomorrow night."

"Oh really," she giggled, 'okay so note a Winchester, and what the hell was that Chambers... a giggle! I'll give it to him though he's slick,' she scolded herself. "What are you doing way out here anyway?"

"I run this trail daily," Ben explained. "It's the longest one out here."

"Is that safe?" Krissy asked. "I mean especially with all the people going missing lately."

"People going missing?"

'How do you not know people in your town are going missing, does this guy live under a rock?'

"You look so familiar, I swear you look like somebody that I know or used to know," Krissy says almost to herself.

"I get that a lot," laughed Ben.


"Yeah, my mom says I look like the spitting image of my dad" he explained. "Well except my eyes, all mama there."

"Oh," she says again. "Who's your dad?"

Ben shrugged his shoulders and smiled "just somebody that she used to know."

"Huh," Krissy says then bites her lip in thought 'god the resemblance is uncanny.'

"So about that dinner."

"Alright," she answered with a smile 'I've got to get him out of here.'


"Yeah, as long as you walk me back to the front of the park," she said pointing the way he came from.

"I think I can manage that."



"It's escalated," announced Aiden as he dropped the bag of drive-thru food on the table. "I just heard they not only found Alyson's body after our anonymous tip but, three hours later Jordan Donovan's body was found in a dumpster behind the local body shop. Where conveniently the owner Randy Townsend was reported missing this morning and found an hour later same as the other three."

"It knows we're here," Josephine said. "Do we know what we're hunting yet?"

"Yeah," Aiden mumbled around a mouth full of cheeseburger.


Aiden swallowed "it's a Lamia, though I'm going to assume a young one because most Lamia are super strong and don't need to bash their victims to get to their heart."

"Yay, baby monsters," Josephine said thick with sarcasm.

"Where's Krissy?"

"Shower she has a da..." she stopped talking remembering who she was with.

Aiden studied Josephine's guilty face, he put his burger down and dusted his hands together "date."

"Yeah," she responded with a look of sympathy "I'm sorry."

He nodded his head then picked his burger back up "don't be, it's my fault."

Josephine's reply to Aiden was silenced as Krissy emerged from the bathroom "that's not what you're wearing is it?"

Krissy looked Down at her simple T-shirt and jeans "yeah, I'm just meeting him for milkshakes and fries at the diner. No big deal."

"Be careful," she warned.

"I will," smiled Krissy as she slipped her 1911-380 into its holster behind her back.

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