Fast and Furious.

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"Well, this was a bust," Dean Winchester complained to his brother Sam. "Cas didn't find anything in Texas either, he's gonna head back to the bunker."

"Okay," said Sam "so where's our next stop?"

"Twitty's," Dean replied as he motioned to a biker bar across the street.

"Come on Dean, really?"

"What do you want me to say, Sammy," Dean spread his arms out and casually motioned around them. "Rhode Island doesn't have what we came for. Now I say we just accept defeat for the night, go have a few beers, maybe meet a nice redhead, and regroup in the morning."

Sam ran his hand down his face and sighed "fine, let's go."

"Yes!" Dean wrapped his arm around Sam's shoulders "good choice."

He let go of Sam then stepped down off the sidewalk outside the now closed post office, making his way towards his destination "put a little lead to it, buddy, let's go."

Sam sighed again "what did I agree to," he mumbled as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and followed his older brother to the rickety building.

The inside of Twitty's was a lot nicer than the outside looked. It had it's typical dive bar pool tables and dart boards, but the tables were made of old piping and what looked like different types of roofing. It gave the place an almost steam-punk look and made the atmosphere dark and edgy.  

The brother's waded through the crowd and cigarette smoke to reach the bar. Dean flagged the Bartender and orders two beers while Sam surveyed the people. 

"Hey is it weird this place is busy on a Tuesday night?" Sam asked loudly over the jukebox.

"It's a biker bar Sam," Dean said while doing his own crowd scan. "I'd be suspicious if it weren't."

A few rounds later Sam nudged his brother. Dean smiled at the blonde hanging on his every word and held up his index finger "one sec."

He spun on the barstool and glared at Sam he raised his eyebrows and motioned to the girl behind him as if to say "I'm kinda busy." 

Sam rolled his eyes then nudged his head to the side "whatever, will you check out that brunette over there."

"Which one Sammy you're gonna have to be more specific."

"The one on the left in red," he sighed.

"The one with the hot legs?" Dean observed "nice pick Sam."

Sam scoffed at his brother "no, I've got this weird feeling we know her."

Dean looked over again, this time he focused on her face. His entire demeanor changed "that's because we do."

Before Sam could say anything else Dean was out of his seat and stocking over to the girl.

"Shit," he mumbled and scrambled up to follow him.

"Hey Princess," Dean said loudly over the music. "You're about sixteen hundred miles from home don't ya think."

She spun around to greet him with a smile "How would..." her smile dropped as she came face to face with him "shit."



"What are you doing here?"

"Its none of your..." she began and looked around for a moment. "Look Dean you can't be here."

"Oh," he feigned shock "why not? And where are your clothes?"

Krissy rolled her eyes and looked pasted Dean "hi, Sam."

"Hey," he replied but gave her the same look Dean was giving her. "Wanna explain what's going on here?"

She sighed "I can't just walk out of here with you guys right now."

"Oh no problem!" Snapped Dean. 

"Dean what are you..." She began but screamed in shock as he snatched her arm, pulled her off the barstool and flung her over his shoulder. "Put me down!"

"Nope!" He stomped his way through the bar and out the door.

All eyes had turned their way as Sam followed them out "Don't really wanna find your daughter dressed like that in a bar, am I right?" He watched as quite a few heads nodded, they even got applause from a few people. He gave an awkward waved and ducked out the door. Sam made it outside just in time to see Dean toss Krissy into the backseat of the Impala.

Dean closed the door to muffle her yelling about being man-handled and looked at Sam as he joined them "we good?"

"We're good," he said with a nod.

"Let's roll."

Dean and Sam slid into their respective places and pulled away from the bar.

"So, wanna talk now," Dean asked.

"Where are we going?"


"What!" Krissy snapped "I can't leave in the middle of a hunt!"

Dean slammed on his breaks and whipped his head around to look at her "excuse me?"

"We've been here for three days Krissy there's nothing here," Sam said.

Krissy let out a frustrated groan "just..." she sighed "can we go back to my motel? I'll tell you everything I promise."

"Fine" Dean huffed.

The silence in the car was awkward, Sam sighed and dropped open the glove compartment to find a tape. He laughed at the new edition to the collection "Scooby-doo soundtrack, really Dean?"

"What?" Dean shrugged "nostalgia. Hey Kris hypothetically who would win in a race, Baby or The Mystery Machine."

"Baby," Krissy snorted.

"You would think," he mumbled under his breath and Sam chuckled.

Dean let out a wolf whistle as they came to a stop at a red light next to a classic blue Camaro. 

"There Dean, get your thunder back," his brother said nodding.

"What?... No, I mean... "


Krissy smirked when she looked out the window at the car next to them as it suddenly revved its engine.

"Well, alright," smiled Dean. "Challenge accepted, come on Baby."

He slipped her into neutral to respond to the challenge. As the light turned green he knocked her back down to drive and punched the gas. He got the jump at the open on the Camaro and was pulling away, Dean kept his foot glued to the pedal "wooo! Atta girl! YEAH!"

Street race rules say the car that pulls ahead and can hold the lead for a full ten minutes takes it, Dean and Baby we're nearing nine minutes when the Camaro punched forward. Both cars drove neck and neck then Dean heard the other driver downshift and watched as they pulled out a head of them. Not only did the car pass them but they were gaining air, meaning the two vehicles were becoming further apart.

"NO, no, no!" Dean yelled and slapped the steering wheel. "Son of a bitch!"

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