Don't Mess With Baby

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"Sup pops?"

Dean hunched over coughing and gasping to catch his breath.

"You alright there?"

He popped up quick drawing his gun out aiming it at the guy in front of him "who are you?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Ben took a step back dropped the machete and held his hands up defensively. "I come in peace, Sam sent me to find you."

"Why would Sam send some kid to find me?"

"Look can you just," Ben motioned downward. "Lower your gun, I'll explain everything when we get back to the rendezvous point. Right now we need to get Lauren back to her family so they can properly say goodbye to her."

"How do you know her?"

"My team and I have been working on this case for a few days, she's one of the missing werewolves."

Dean nodded his head, his answer seemed legitimate, but until he knew for sure he wasn't trusting him. Keeping his gun steady on his target he kneeled down to pull a knife out of his boot then gently tossed it toward him "undo her bindings. You get to carry her back."    

Ben rolled his eyes and bent over to pick up the knife, he noticed Deans didn't lower his gun until Lauren was secure in his arms. "Why am I doing this? You're the one covered in blood; makes more sense you carry the dead bloody girl."

"Because I just took on three vampires alone," explained Dean. "Also you can't kill me if your hands are full."

Ben snorted and mumbled, "not like you wouldn't deserve it."

Dean motioned for him to start up the stairs "that's rude, didn't your dad ever teach you manners kid?"

Ben laughed as he began to climb the wooden stairwell "nope, he did teach me how to run out on my family though, and I'm not a kid."

"Ouch, that's rough I'm sorry," Dean stopped when he heard Ben snort again. "You know for someone who isn't a kid you're sure acting like one."

"Nah," Ben said as he took the few steps from the top of the stairwell to the shed entrance. "Just laughing at the irony ol' man."

"Okay stop," Dean clutched Bens shoulder and turned him so they were facing each other. Darkness surrounded them "let's agree to disagree I'm not old and you're not a kid, thanks for having my ass back there I'm Dean Winchester."

"I know who you are Dean," Ben rolled his eyes again even though they couldn't be seen and turned around restarting the small hike to where the other's waited. "I'm Ben, and I didn't say old." 

"Yes, you..." Dean paused and took a deep breath "you know what, not doing this. I need a beer, so how did you become a hunter?"

"My mother was murdered by a Lamia on my sixteenth birthday," Ben's emotionless answer told Dean that was all the information he was getting.

"That'll do it," he mumbled.

The rest of the walk was quiet, when they arrived back where the vehicles were parked there were several more there then when Dean had left. He looked around for his brother as he passed   Ben who was passing over Lauren to a man in his late forties he heard him tell her family he was sorry they hadn't made it in time.

"Hey," Sam said as Dean approached him, he watched as he said a few more words to a family that was surrounded by a girl wrapped in blankets then turned his attention to Dean.

"Wanna explain what the hell that was back there?" Dean snapped.

"Look, there was another building about five yards behind the one you went into I went to check it out," explained Sam. "Josephine, Aiden, and some other guy were there untying the girls when a vamp came out of nowhere."

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