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The women lay asleep on the boat, the team want answers for the reason why Trish is back with them. "What the hell are you doing?" Leone spoke up for the rest of them. Bruno glances at Latte with her back press against the wall of the boat next to Trish. He silently thanks the woman's intervention. Without her, he doesn't know what to think what will happen to them. Standing straight up, Bruno faces his team. "I can't explain now because there is no time and danger is right around the corner." He spoke up, "The reason Trish is back because I betrayed the boss just now." His team stood shock at this while Giorno stood in the sidelines. 

"I'll be leaving you guys now. If you come with me, you will also become traitors." Bruno states. They couldn't believe what they are hearing now but they wonder why. "You shouldn't hear it anymore because you guys have nothing to do with this." Bruno told them, not wanting to risk their lives by hearing what they said. Giorno suggests telling them since it will give a chance for them to follow them. Leone grabs Giorno in anger. Bruno felt weak for the moment, falling on his knees. He needs time to recover from his injuries. 

"Are you all right?" Giorno approaches Bruno. Bruno simply told him that he is just dizzy then stood up. Approaching the team, they want to know the details. With a moment of silence, Bruno told the team in detail of what happened in that building. He can't just stand by and let Trish be killed by the Boss. Bruno knows that Latte shares the same thought due to the actions she had made. Leone told him what happen to traitors. Bruno accepts it but let them have a chance to join him - by their own freewill. 

"I will defeat the boss." He declares. With that, Bruno give them time to chose their own path. 

Leone is the first one to join. 

Mista is next with a smile on his face. 

The last one to join is Narancia. 

Fugo is the only one left behind - walking down the empty streets. 


Latte woken up by the sight of the familiar glass ceiling. She sits up from the red couch. Looking down to see a blanket covering her body, Latte stretches her arms in front of her. She left her spot to stand up. Her eyes lands on Trish sleeping on the other side of the long couch. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she tries to remember what happen before she blacked out. 

Her memories hit her like a truck as her eyes widen in realization. "What happen to the others?!" She thought to herself. Raising her head to look up, she only saw the blue sky. Latte reaches up to the ceiling to appear on the boat suddenly. 


"GAH!" Leone and Latte hold their foreheads in pain. "Latte, you are fine!" Narancia moves to pull her into an embrace. Latte is caught off-guard but returns the hug. Leone glares at the mute woman for the pain. That's what he gets for volunteering to check on her condition. 

They could see Latte quickly looking around. "We are in Venice if you are wondering." Bruno spoke up. Narancia let the woman go to let her face Bruno. Her stance relaxes then tilts her head to the side in confusion. Her face tells them everything - "Why are we here then?" Leone stood up to display his red forehead. "You know by now, you're a traitor like us." He spoke up. Latte's mouth forms an oh then looks at the team. Her eyes held a hint of sadness when there is no sign of Fugo. They caught on as no one has the heart to talk about Fugo right now. 

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