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Laying on my bed I hear the guest downstairs in the living room making themselves at home. Me being in my room laying down in my outfit I'm wearing I hear my god father's coming up the steps screaming my name. I giggle at fact their asking where am I but they already know.

They began knocking on my door making some type of GoGo beat with two of them making up words as they go.

"COME IN!" I laughed and they all bursted in my door

"God daddies!" I screamed hugging each and every one of them.

"UH UH BEYONCÉ WHAT THE HELL YOU GOT ON G?!" My favorite GF  Shawn yelled out

My dad walking up behind them

"I told her y'all wouldn't approve.." he said with his arms folded

"Hell naw we not!" My Gf Jerry said

"Guys I'm putting a cover up over it!"

"Stop fibbing!" My favorite said

"Huh?" I asked acting like I didn't know what was going on

"Come here let me holla at you for a second." He said

I slowly walked over to him with an innocent look on my face.

We walked into my closet and he sat me at my vanity mirror while he went to pick out clothes for me to wear. I'm glad it was him because my other god daddies don't know my style.

He walked back to me, and sat the clothes in front of me.

"You know I have to do this everytime I see you?"


"No need the think you know it's true." He interrupted me

"Ok it is true. But I barley see you now anyway. You don't take me on our God daddy and God daughter dates anymore!" I pouted "the rest I see them on the daily basis."

He sighed "your right. Your the only God child I have and im barley keeping up with you. It's just my new girl has been taking up my time. And she told me that I shouldn't take you out-"

"So SHES the one keeping you away from me?! I DONT LIKE ER ALREADY!"

"No bey she's a good girl-"

"Nope! She's trying to keep you away from your only God child and she's a good girl?!"


"No I really don't like that! I WAS HERE FIRST! And it's sad because she is actually succeeding"

"No she's not!"

"Yes she is! I don't see you at all anymore unless your over here. Your always bailing on me is it because of her?" I asked


"Answer the question Shawn!"

"Yea.." he sighed

"So YOU let some broad take you away?!"

"I don't know what the big deal is you have all those other God fathers!"

"BUT YOUR MY FAVORITE! Your the only one that actually gets me! My style, how I think, and you were the only one that ACTUALLY bothered to have some type of relationship with me when I was younger! BUT NOW YOU WANNA THROW THAT AWAY FOR SOME CHICK THAT YOU MAY NOT  BE WITH IN A FEW MONTHS?! It's so foul!" I told him


"I'm going to get dressed." I said getting up walking off really feeling some type of way

My godfather and meWhere stories live. Discover now