Chapter 14

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"Babe...never again." I told Shawn with a stern look on my face

"Babe trust me I figured that out the first night we were on this damn boat."

I sighed and nodded my head as we hoped in bed and laid down cuddling.

My mom has made this trip miserable for the rest of us. I mean my dad, Shawn, and I.

"I really am upset Bey, like who does she think she is?!" He whispered-yelled to me

"I know baby, I know."

"I'm telling you she got one more time and we're going back to shore and dropping her off." Shawn said

"Babe it's Sunday it's no point we are going to be leaving soon anyways." I said and he sighed

"Your Right." He rolled his eyes before getting up, and helping me up.

"Babe we need to eat. Come on." He said and I got up putting on clothes, and we left out of the room.

By the time we got out the room and into the dinning room, my mother and father were already sitting and eating.

"Hm. Finally nice for y'all to join us!" Tina mumbled sipping her drink

Shawn rolled his eyes "hey mama. Nice to see you to."

"Whatever Giselle." She rolled her eyes and stuffed her face

The cook came out with our plates and we dug in after saying thank you, and our grace.

"So Beyoncé?" My mother called and I looked up at her

"You done being a whore?" She said and it got real quiet, I'm talking our forks fell on the table

"Excuse me?"

"I mean come on did you even tell Shawn about the boy you were going out with before y'all started dating?"

"Number one we never went out. We had stopped talking for weeks before anything between Shawn and I started-"

"Beyoncé you never told me how was I supposed to know?"

"Even if she didn't tell you it doesn't give you the right to assume that she's cheating on me." Shawn interjected calmly

"Shawn shut the hell up nobody was talking to you."

"Yet I'm talking to you." He shit back

"You really think think it's ok to belittle your daughter?"

"For something like this? Yes!" She yelled with wide eyes


"What Matthew?" She frowned

"You will not talk to my daughter like that. I know it may be hard to accept the fact she's dating a longtime friend of both of us but I will not let you belittle her like that!" He said and I sighed shaking my head as tears rolled down my face

"Well I'm her mother so-"

"It should be more of a reason you shouldn't be belittling her!" Matthew yelled

"Well I don't claim her!" She yelled with a shrug

"What do you mean?" I asked I felt to powerless in this moment

"I just wish I wasn't your mother. I mean look at-"

"Yea we are starting now!" Shawn yelled interrupting her getting up slamming his napkin down walking away

"What-where you going you? You gonna just leave your girl?" My mother laughed and the tears flowed harder as I put my head down

Shawn never said anything. He didn't even look back. I mean I'm sure he's going to do something but hearing your mother do nothing but belittle you for a whole weekend then watch your love walk away from you will weather they intend on coming back or not.

"I'm gonna go to the room." I said silently

"Beyoncé you aren't gonna eat?" I looked up and saw a soft concerned frown on my fathers face as he slowly stood up

"I'm gonna eat later! I promise." I smiled as I was about to walk away Shawn came back.

"Ok so change of plans. We originally was going to stay here an extra day but we are leaving as soon as the guy finishes feeling the boat up with gas."

"What?" Tina yelled

"Tina if you think I'm going to sit here and let you down talk, and belittle my girlfriend then your wrong. This was your last straw."  He said to her with a stern look then grabbing my hand walking away


"No Tina you don't get to dictate who she dates, or love!" Shawn yelled at her then looked at me and whispered quietly

"Not saying you do because of course we may not last but I'm talking in the future too." Then he kissed my head.

"Well can we-"

"No your not smooching off my money when you think you can belittle her! So no we are not finishing this trip!" He said as I tried to pull him away

I've never seen him this angry or upset before. I mean not that it's scaring me, I'm just surprised that he can get like this.

We walked back into the room we were staying in, he began packing our stuff as I sat in the bed and wiped my tears.

"It's going to be ok baby." He started "I know your hurt and we are going to get through this as long as you let me help you."

I nodded my head as he came and hugged me.

"And hey if you wanna stay with me for a while then you can baby I think it's better. But I still is up to you." He said looking me in the eyes and I smiled and nodded my head kissing his lips

After a while there was a knock on the door.

"It's fine I will get it." I said and hopped up wiping the stray tears before opening the door.

When I looked up it was my father. He immediately took me into his arms as I cried. Out of nowhere I felt Shawn's arms wrap around me too. I was so overwhelmed with emotions it caused me to cry a bit harder.

When everything calmed down Shawn spoke.

"Hey the captain said we are on our way back out."

"Ok. Dad?"

"Yes, I think it's a great idea for you to stay with Shawn for a while too."

"How did-"

"I heard it y'all don't know how to talk quietly." He laughed and so did we.

Happy December 4th people💞

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