Chapter 7

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Three fucking hours late and he has the nerve to send this short ass nigga? I rolled my eyes as some other kids I haven't met yet. Anyways we all hopped in the car when Mr. Hart began talking.

"Ok Beyoncé, we're going to get food do you want to go with us and get food or do you want to go to Shawn and we get you food?"

"Uhm I can go with y'all I don't want it to be a extra trip." I said and he smiled and nodded

"You know! I like you! More than my kids!" He said turning back around


"No y'all are so extra! She's not an inconvenience for me half the time!" He said pulling off and I bursted into laughter shaking my head and the girl whispered to me

"Watch he's gonna say I'm gonna use this on my next stand up." She said with a face telling me watch this

"I'm gonna use this on my next stand up!" He said like he was thinking hard as shit

I busted out laughing again

"What's so funny back there?"

"..." we all looked at each other and began laughing even harder while Mr. Hart looked confused and sped off from the red light we were sitting at.

"Ok what do y'all want?"

"Popeyes." We all said and he rolled his eyes and drove to the nearest Popeyes which so happened to be right next to where we were going know to see Carter.

We ordered in the drive thru then he parked and we went Into the building.

We walked up the steps and listend to Kevin complained about how the elevator needs to be fixed

"Dad Your only complaining because your short and your little legs can't take it!" His daughter said and I bursted out laughing.

"Shut up!" He told her and I laughed harder.

She shrugged and we finally made it up to the top floor.

I stormed into Shawns office to see him writing up some work. He looked so concentrated I couldn't be mad because at lease he was doing something productive.

I shrugged and walked to him kissing him on his cheek and sitting his food down.

He looked up and smiled and so did I l.

"Hi God daddy!" I said

"Your not upset?"

"I was bit your working too hard for me to be upset."

"And hi!" He said giving me and hug. "Thanks oh for thinking about me!" He said referring to the food I put on his desk

"No problem!" I said and sat down I took out my homework and began doing it. His kids sat down next to me and did the same thing

1 hour later

We finally got home and I sat on the couch tired from school and all we did after.

"Whoo! I'm exhausted!" Shawn yelled and I agreed

"After all we did today my feet be hurrtin." I said and he busted out laughing. While I giggled came and sat on the other couch after he locked up

"Well your mother called and told me you don't have school tomorrow so it can be a chill day." He said and I nodded my head

"Ok that's good because I need just alittle bit more sleep anyways."

"Same I did not feel like driving you to school tomorrow so you weren't even going to go."

"Good! Well I'm going to sleep goodnight!" I said getting off the couch walking towards the steps

"Goodnight! Love you!"

"Love you too!" I called.

I made it to my room and showered. After that I put on lotion and jumped in the bed and dozed off.

Next chapter jayoncé awakens

Request by Lunameliza

My godfather and meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang