Chapter 12

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"MOMMA DADDY IM HOME WHERE YALL AT?!" I yelled out but I never got an answer

I shrugged it off and sat my stuff by the front door and walked around downstairs looking for them. I couldn't find them so I went down to the basement but they weren't there. I shrugged it off because they might be sleeping, and I don't want to wake them. They will figure out I'm here when they wake up. I went back to grab my stuff, and walked upstairs to my room to see pictures of Shawn and I, they were hung up all on my walls and hung on my ceiling. I began panicking when my parents walked in my room with angrily expressions on their face.

"So I see you had a blast this weekend." My mom started

"..." I slowly nodded my head

"I figured... you know when we told you that you could start dating we didn't mean dating your family!" My mom yelled

"I mean it's not that bad Tina." My dad shrugged

"What?!" She yelled

"I'm not saying I'm ok with it but look at it this least it's not a rando on the street and we know or daughter was getting taken care of." He shrugged again

"You hear about that girl who married her god-father when she turned 18?"

I nodded my head

"I'm guessing that's the new trend huh?!"

I shook my head

"Oh now your ass is silent?"

"There is nothing to say mom, you caught us I can't deny it, try and lie about it." I told her "it's kind of new but it's not. We haven't been a couple for that long but I think this is something that I want for real."

"Call him."


"CALL HIM DAMMIT!" She screamed and I called his phone

Shawn: Hey Bey wassup?
Bey: hey Uhm my mom and dad found out about us, and they want you here now.
Shawn: *sighs* ok I'm on my way now then
Bey: ok

I hung up the phone and my mom began yelling at me

"I didn't tell you to tell him that!"

"Well you didn't tell me not to mom how was I supposed to know?" I asked softly

She sighed and they sat on my bed as I sat awkwardly at my desk. Then finally the doorbell rung

"Go get it Giselle he's your man right?"

I got up and went to open the door.

"Hey how bad is it?"

"Honestly it's bad but it could be worst." I said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead then my lips.

After we greeted each other we walked up the stairs silently until I tripped and he busted out laughing and so did I. When we walked in obviously my mom was angry, she felt we weren't taking this situation.

"OH GREAT!! Now y'all aren't taking this situation seriously?!"

"Tina you yelling at them isn't helping you don't know what's going on in their heads!"


"I tripped up the stairs that's why we were laughing when we walked in." I mumbled and her frown went soft


"Look i don't Know where Tina planned on taking this talk but there isn't a lot that needs to be said. I would like to say though to you Shawn, as awkward as it might have been, I wish you would have came to me about the feelings you have for my daughter. And I'm not saying you not coming to us is you being less of a man, but her being my daughter I would've talked to you about this." He said and Shawn nodded his head

"I do understand that Matthew, and I do apologize I really didn't even want to act on my feelings because the situation we were in-"

"So you saying my daughter forced herself onto you?!" My mom yelled trying to jump in his face

I don't know what went over me but I guess the girlfriends me wanted to protect him or something?

"Mom-" I said stepping in front of Shawn keeping my mom from trying to hit him

"Tina chill! Do not hit that man."

"That's the thing Matthew he's a man! Our daughter is a child and she's stepping to me protecting him like I won't beat her ass."


"No Matthew she's trying to protect him yet he's lying on her!"

"Look Tina you took what I was saying the wrong way and you didn't even let me finish. I wasn't saying she just forced herself on me. I was saying we came onto each other. What we have right now is kind of new, but I know I do want to be with her. She makes me happy, and she makes me-"

"My daughter doesn't make you feel anything! I'm leaving for right now I need to cool off Matthew I will let you deal with this!" She said storming out of the room.

I sighed and sat on my bed while my father, and Shawn stood up leaning in the wall.

"I made it clear that I'm not happy about how this is playing out. You both know how I feel about this, but I'm going to ask y'all one or a few questions." He said and we nodded our heads

"Bey do you really want to be with him?"

"I do daddy!" I said looking him in his eyes


"Most definitely!" He nodded his head

"Ok here's the thing. I don't approve but there is no reason for me to break this up. But Shawn the minute you fuck up this..." he said pointing between Shawn and I "this is done! And I don't mean sneaking around." My father said and we nodded

"Thanks daddy!" I cheesed and hugged him

"Oh quick question! Have y'all had sex?"

"Oh no! Not yet!" I said


"I mean-no we didn't!" I said

"Well I have to go to work so I will talk to y'all later!" Shawn said and walked out

"Later!" My dad said and walked out too

I sighed out and laid back on my bed with a smile on my face.

My godfather and meWhere stories live. Discover now