Chapter 21

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A Week later

Summer break had officially stared and Beyoncé was officially out of Highschool for good. She had graduated at the top of her class, even higher than her class president. Some people were surprised but some people weren't.

Shawn felt like she deserved a trip, so he had planned to go to Italy and spend the week there. He was planning on surprising her since she has never been.

"Babe....." Shawn was trying to wake her up so they can get on the private jet, but she was not budging at all.

"BB." He shook her a bit harder before sighing and getting back in the bed.

He kissed on her face, and neck before she began to wake up and move around.

"Ma get up and get dressed we have somewhere to go." He told her softly and she nodded her head before stretching and pecking his lips.

He went downstairs to start making breakfast for the both of them while she did what she needed to do.

He wasn't doing anything fancy, just making them an egg sandwich and that was it. She was most likely going to want to stop by Starbucks and get a cake pop and a coffee so he wasn't going to make any here.

Beyoncé had came down soon after that dressed and ready to go. Once she grabbed her sandwich they made it in the car and they were heading out the door.

"Babe can we-"

"Stop at Starbucks? That's already where we're going, and I already put in our order along with your cake pop." He smiled and kissed her hand as they pulled off.

A few hours later

They had just got off of the jet and landing in Italy

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They had just got off of the jet and landing in Italy. Beyoncé was as surprised as Shawn wanted her to be. Of course she asked a lot of questions and was confused when they pulled up to a clear port about to hop on a private jet but didn't ask a lot of questions.

"Babe are we in Italy?!"

"Yea babe we are." He smiled at her and kissed her forehead as they gathered their things and made their way to the car that was taking them to the dock where they would be getting on a boat.

"Wait why are we here?"

"What you don't wanna be here or something?" He asked jokingly. He knew what she meant and why she was asking.

"Noooo that's not what I meant babe and you know that!" She laughed and went to wrap her arms around his neck and kissed all over all his face.

He wrapped his arms around her waist to complete the hug as he accepted her kisses.

On the boat

"Wow this is so beautiful!"

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"Wow this is so beautiful!"

"I know right! We get to take all of this in for four days before we go back to the States." He told her and she nodded her head laying her head on his shoulder.

They were on their way to their room to check in and catch up on some rest before heading out and enjoying themselves.

He knew Bey was tired since she didn't get to sleep on the private jet like he did. As they took in the attractions so he knew she needed one more than anything.

"Ma were almost to the hotel you can rest your eyes if you want." He told her kissing her forehead.

She nodded her head rubbing her eyes as she dozed off. Shawn wrapped his arm around her as he head slowly fell into his lap.

He softly rubbed her back and took in the scenery as the boat driver made his way to their hotel.

By the time they got to the hotel Shawn was dozing off as well. But tried to stay awake to make sure they were going to the same place.

When they had came to a complete stop he softly shook Beyoncé before kissing all over her face. She slowly woke up grabbing her bags, while Shawn grabbed his and they got off of the boat heading inside.

Three hours later they were just settling in their hotel room and was finally able to rest.

Both Bey and Shawn were beyond tired, they first thing they did was take a nap.

I know this chapter was long overdue but I had writers block so it took me a while to write this little bit.

But it's out and hopefully I can continue with this story soon❤️

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